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  • Quote from Katrina-: “Talk to her. Don't make it seem like things won't work out, but say it in a way where you ask her if she's ever thought of the possibilty that it might not. If she has, ask her what she'd do about it, give her advice. Tell her you hope for the best, but you can't help but be afraid of what will happen otherwise. Be honest. But really, hun, there's really nothing you can do. Just stay by her side, when the things are good, and most importantly when the things get bad. Just b…

  • My Bestfriend has been going out with this guy for about five months now, she is 16 and he is 20, she lies to her parents and tell them that he is 18. Ever since she has been with him, EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION me and her, and our other best friend have is about him, me and our other bestfriend dont trust him at all, he has been seen looking unusually "cozy" with other girls and we cant tell her because she wont believe us, definitely wont. she is waaay to serious with him, the picked our their …