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  • Wish Me Luck!

    pauly1 - - Music


    Tasha, such a performance doesn't happen by chance. I well understand the amount of work you put into it, and the effort you took to make the song perfect. And since I can count you amongst my friends I can truly say that I'm proud of you! Here's to the next song and to your continuing and growing (and growling) success! Paul

  • What did you have for lunch?

    pauly1 - - Health and Fitness


    A good old fashioned British lunch; baked beans on toast. (The beans are made in the Netherlands!)

  • What colour bra are you wearing

    pauly1 - - Fashion


    Believe it or not, I've never been asked that question before. Oh, it's for girls? Sorry, just ignore me.

  • Boys shaving asked by a girl lol.

    pauly1 - - Puberty


    I started shaving my face when I was about 13. It was just a fuzz at first, but I used a battery shaver right from the start and I've never had any problems.

  • Do you moan?

    pauly1 - - Teen Sexuality


    Apart from some heavy breathing, I manage to remain totally case I wake anyone else up!

  • Last thing you drank?

    pauly1 - - Health and Fitness


    Bottled least I THINK it was water! Strange how water can make you slurrrrrr your words.

  • A tuna salad followed by fresh fruit.

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    pauly1 - - Fashion


    A tuna salad. Oh sorry, wrong thread. .... Navy blue trousers and a white tee shirt.

  • Do you have a Twin

    pauly1 - - Friends and Family


    As far as I know I don't have a twin, or any sibling at all. I just asked my mother and she fainted!

  • Abandoned

    pauly1 - - Friends and Family


    Unfortunately being on any kind of social media (as opposed to having "real life" friends) lends itself to being forgotten very easily. All people have to do is to walk away and lose contact. It's very impolite but inevitable I'm afraid. So bear in mind that if you get abandoned by so-called friends, those friends weren't worth having in the first place.

  • What colour bra are you wearing

    pauly1 - - Fashion


    No, and they wouldn't have it in my size either!

  • What colour bra are you wearing

    pauly1 - - Fashion


    Since fashion threads here are presumably meant for both sexes, I am very pleased to tell you that I'm not wearing one!

  • I can't speak for other boys, but I would think most girls can tell instinctively when a boy is about to orgasm. Either his speed, hardness or voice (moaning, etc) are likely to be automatic warnings that he's about to cum. Words will probably not be necessary.

  • Covid Vaccine

    pauly1 - - Health and Fitness


    I've had both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. The only reaction I got was a sensitive upper arm for 48 hours. I feel a lot safer for having had the vaccination, and I'd strongly recommend it to any of you who get the chance to have it.

  • I'd love to say they stare at me because I look so wonderful.....but I can't truthfully say that. As far as I know people don't stare at me at all. If they did, I'd probably stare right back because they'd be being rude.

  • Maths Problems

    pauly1 - - Education & Jobs


    Could someone repeat this thread for me, but this time in English? Actually no, please don't!! (My maths was terrible once I'd got past being able to answer questions by adding up on my fingers and toes.)

  • I was going to say "standing on my head" but you wouldn't have believed me. So I'd better be truthful and say I sleep on either one side or the other; never on my back or front.

  • Last thing you drank?

    pauly1 - - Health and Fitness


    The last thing I drank was a mug of rooibos (redbush) tea. If you like unusual herbal teas try it; it's also made with orange flavouring.

  • When do you masturbate

    pauly1 - - Teen Sexuality


    Whenever I have the need, the ability or the time.

  • What pets do you have

    pauly1 - - Friends and Family


    We have had three budgerigars and more recently one cat. No, the cat didn't eat the birds!