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  • 1. Name: Louise 2. Age: (Bold Your Selection) - <LI itxtvisited="1"><LI itxtvisited="1"><13 <LI itxtvisited="1">13<16 <LI itxtvisited="1">16-25 <LI itxtvisited="1">25-35 <LI itxtvisited="1">35-50 <LI itxtvisited="1">50-65 - 65> 3. Nationality: English 4. What mode of purchase would you prefer for your clothes? (Bold your selection) a. Online - <LI itxtvisited="1"><LI itxtvisited="1">yes - no b. Readymade clothes (Bold your selection) - <LI itxtvisited="1"><LI itxtvisited="1">Branded <LI itxtvisi…

  • Re: rarrr

    Snap.Snap.Click - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. How old will you be in 10 months? 16 2. Do you think you'll be married by then? Oh hell no 3. What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months? Visiting my friends in Melbourne 4. Who was the last person you called? Samantha 5. Who was the last person to call you? Matt 6. Do you prefer to call or text? Call 5. Do you have any pets? A dog 8. What were you doing at 12am last night? On here & MSN 9. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Uhmmm .. my mums a widow? 10. When is the last …

  • Do you think it is bad to have sex at your age? I don't think its THAT bad, but you know What grade is the last person you kissed in? 11 Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? I got 12 hours Have you ever gotten alcohol poisoning? Nope, don't drink Have you ever been strip searched? No What do you usually do right when you wake up? What everyone else does .. open eyes? Do you find the opposite sex confusing? Oh yes What are you doing tonight? Sleeping How has this week been? So far, goo…

  • errrm .. yeah, depends on the money. what kind of guy would say that to a chick anyways?

  • Re: Q//

    Snap.Snap.Click - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1.Made out for more than 3 minutes? naaah actually. 2.Slept in a different bed? yep. plenty times. 3.Made out in a movie theatre? Nooope 4.made out with 2 different people in one night? Nooope 5.Thought your cousin was hot? Yes, you should see him!! 6.Been in love? One time 7.Slept? Errr yes? haa 8.Taken a shower with the opposite sex? Nope? 9.Gone over the speed limit? Dont drive yet 10.Painted your room? Nah, not allowed to 11.Drove a car? does a dodgem car count? :P. 12.Danced in front of you…

  • 1. What is your favourite time of day? 7pm - 7.30pm 2. What is your favourite book? Secrets About Boys by .. I forget haha 3. Favourite author? Doctor Zues? 4. Name of your favourite song? Gah, I have so many. 5. What is your favourite band or singer? Too many to list! 6. Are you male or female? Female 7. How old are you? 15 8. What was your favourite decade so far? The one where it was all fluro stuff XD 9. What was the last fun thing you did? Errrmm .. not sure? 10. Do you have a college degre…

  • Quote from North_East Liz: “i was havin sex with a lad (him on top) and my legs were wrapped around him, then all of a sudden my legs just locked and i cudnt move them. i was like that for about 20mins and cudnt move them at all” i actually feel SUPER embarrassed for you right now LOL! that it just so so so so so bad haha. i bet it was a TRUE awkward moment. haha too funny XD

  • very happy for you! well done.

  • Re: Vegetarians!

    Snap.Snap.Click - - Health and Fitness


    in april, i stayed with a friend of mine in melbourne . now his parents were vegetarians.. but the 3 kids weren't .. luckily they lived near a fast food place.. so every night after dinner, we'd run to this fast food place and eat as much meaty stuff as we could .. good times good times. but if that fast food place wasn't there .. i probably wouldn't have made it back home alive. haha.

  • man, this all sounds super intense .. kinda glad i dont go to your school!

  • 1) Can you cook? surely can 2) What was your dream growing up? fly away to Neverland XD 3) What talent do you wish you had? Dancing like a superstar 4) If I bought you a drink what would it be? Fanta .. ? 5) Favorite vegetable? Potato 6) What was the last book you read? Going Solo by Roald Dahl (book for English) 7) What zodiac sign are you? Aries Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? No 9) Worst Habit? Swearing 10) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride? Stranger Danger 11) Wha…

  • Did you sleep alone last night? surely did Can you run in heels? i highly doubt it What were you doing at 8 this morning? sleeping What’s the last thing you had to eat? food. wow fancy that! What do you currently hear right now? my music Who was the last person you were in a car with? mum Do you like to cuddle? indeedy Did you ever play games on the old Nintendo? Super Nintendo, big, big fan :] Do you follow recipes when you cook or bake? all the time Would you ever live with anyone on your top …

  • My opinion is stop sitting in your self pity and get out there and find out more about this girl, spend more time with her, know her interests etc. and how do you know nobody likes you? i thought that at one stage .. turns out there was a guy in my class that had liked me for over a year and I never knew .. and he was the guy I thought was least likely to like me. You just never know. Good luck with it.

  • 1. Name? Louise 2. Are you straight, bi, or gay? Straight 3. Are you currently happy right now? Yeppers 4. Do you have more then one crush right now? Yeahh 5. Who are they? Weeble + Bob .. but not really XD 6. Do people think you're weird? I think I'm weird, i wouldnt rule it out that others do too, ha! 7. Are you single or in a relationship right now? Single Pringle Ready To Mingle 8. Are you listening to anything right now? Yaaaash, Freeze - TPain FT Chris Brown 9. Did you ever throw a party w…

  • 001. What is Your Name? Louise 002. How old are you? 15 003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? dont have one. 004. Do you have any pets? yep, 1 dog. 005. Favorite colors? green, blue & orange 006. What was the most you spent on a haircut? $20? 007. How many pairs of shoes do you have? no idea 008. Do you have any peircings or tattoos? nope, wanna get ears done 009. If you could sleep with anyone in the world right now who would it be? nobody really ha. 010. Do you have a crush …

  • Re: Is smoking cool?

    Snap.Snap.Click - - General Advice


    not cool. its like the futherest thing away from being cool .. yuck.

  • ew. what a fag. some people, no respect for other peoples property. tsk tsk. but roflmao too XD

  • Re: Weird Question.

    Snap.Snap.Click - - General Advice


    a pet wasp; who thinks of that? maybe one day Hazer will even let you touch him / her .. although, i wouldnt try to. haha. good luck :]

  • straight. medium - longish.. spikey-ish haha. beachy blonde or brown hair xD xx

  • hey turtle, what you have to put up with is just terrible! nobody should be put through things like that; unfortunately this stuff does happen. I have a friend from school, she used to get bullied often by kids cause she was pretty weird they thought .. so she started to hang around some of the teachers and made friends with them. Now that phase, of her getting dissed by students has totally passed. All she did was remove herself from that environment for a while, and she came back and BAMMM eve…