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  • Quote from Treebark2268: “Im pretty sure a day is how long it takes for the earth to orbit the sun..” The education system failed you.

  • Quote from The Sorrow: “highly agreed; but my mom did” Well tell her not to buy them.

  • Quote from The Sorrow: “i do now.... once again- it was purely due to me being lazy... damn... maybe i should go run around?.... alot?.... xD” Or just not buy sugary crap to drink?

  • You might as well have drank 3 liters of coke. You do know powerade isn't a good thing to drink when you're just sitting around being inactive, right?

  • Re: Running Tips

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Also you should try sprinting. I find long distance cardio to be painfully boring, but sprinting is awesome.

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “It's not something that has to be explained. Or, at least, it shouldn't have to be.” With question dodging skills like that, you should be a politician.

  • Re: Running Tips

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    If you like your knees land on the middle of your foot or forefoot, not your heel.

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “:rofl:” I'm glad I gave you something to laugh about, seeing as your mouth clearly isn't busy refuting my assertion that advocacy of marijuana prohibition is completely retarded.

  • Re: Weight Loss Tips

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Number Juan: “Pumping Iron is boring and monotonous.” U serious brah? Quote from Number Juan: “Frosty you do not understand Morgan's point. She isn't saying whole wheat is magic or anything,she is saying it is just better.” KFC might be better for weight loss than McDonalds, but you'd be foolish to recommend it as weight loss food. Quote from Number Juan: “Tiny increments in fiber and other stuff add up... It's not a tiny increment if it's double of what the alternative has.” When the…

  • 4.5 kg weights aren't going to do much, if anything. Do bodyweight exercises until you're old enough to get a gym membership.

  • Re: Weight Loss Tips

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from SugarLips: “People NEED carbs in their diet, or else they'd be misrable and go 'cheat' with cake, or something else to fill that need.” People only feel the "need" for carbs because the typical diet turns them into complete sugar junkies (and yes I'm blaming you RDI guidelines telling people to eat more sugar than protein or fat, let alone carbs). "Carbs" isn't some required food group.

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “You're... You're serious? You can't be so one sided and so idiotic that you can't possibly see the cons your self?” It's not being idioticly one-sided when the whole debate at hand is as riciculously one-sided as this one.

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “There are plenty of cons?” Like what? Quote from FlyWithMe: “If you legalize one drug, it might open the door to legalize other drugs” So what?

  • Re: Weight Loss Tips

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from ThailandTom: “I see, what does your diet consist of exactly... Yea cardio is always the most boring and annoying in my opinion.” A lot of meat and dairy. A bit of fruit, veg and nuts along with it.

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “No. The cons outweigh the pros, and thus, I don't think it should happen.” >Implying there are any cons >Implying there aren't masses of pros

  • Re: Weight Loss Tips

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from ThailandTom: “how old are you frosty? What weight and height are you also... How often do you exercise and or work out?? I am curious ...” 19, 6'3, 91kg. Lift weights 3-4x a week. Been a bit lazy on the cardio lately tbh.

  • Re: Health & Fitness

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Yo dawg we heard you like spam so we put spam in your spam thread so you can be spammed while you're spammed.

  • I don't even see why this is an issue that's still being debated. Have the opponents of legalisation been living under a rock every time prohibition has been proven a stupid idea?

  • Re: Weight Loss Tips

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Scaredycrow: “Aye, but you don't eat at McDonald's to lose weight.” Nor should you eat grains to lose weight. Quote from Scaredycrow: “I understand that grains are not optimal for weight loss but it doesn't excuse the fact that numerous studies have been done on whole vs white” And they found what? Tiny increases in fiber and micronutrient content? Quote from Scaredycrow: “that countless people have lost weight by simply switching to whole grains” Ultimately weight loss comes down to …

  • Re: Health & Fitness

    Frosty - - Health and Fitness


    Cool spam bro.