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  • Re: World of Warcraft

    Ken_ - - Video Games


    I don't have any characters anymore, I lost my account info. When Cataclysm is released, me and a friend are starting Worgens on the Illidan realm. I'm going to be a Shadow Priest, and he's going to be a rogue. I'm fairly sure Illidan is PvP.

  • Re: Which type of hair?

    Ken_ - - Fashion


    The first one made me drool. I would go with the first one, personally.

  • Usually it shoots onto my chest/shoulders and if I'm unlucky, my face/hair, and I really hate when that happens.

  • Re: Runescape :(

    Ken_ - - Video Games


    It's more fun. You have 1 defense, so you just beat the shit out of each other. There is no holding back, there is no "surviving", it's whoever has the most skill to stay alive. That, or who can kill the other person before the other realizes the fight has started. It's also enjoyable to be a low level in the wilderness, because you get the non-pures who think they can PvP, and they walk out there in some lovely expensive gear, and you just hand them their asses and gain a nice profit off them.

  • I liked COD4 better, I played this game for a matter of a day, and I haven't touched it since. I also went back to Halo 3. Halo > COD

  • Re: Acne

    Ken_ - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from amando96: “get rid of soda, and junk food, drink A LOT of water, wash your face with a mild esfolianting cream wait a few weeks, it should start clearing” I'm doomed. I drink soda daily, I eat fast food daily, and I don't drink water often. I use some special medication, but it doesn't help much. Pimples seem to appear out of thin air honestly. I was told toothpaste works, I don't know the truth behind it, but it might be worth a try.

  • Re: Is smoking cool?

    Ken_ - - General Advice


    I don't think it's, 'cool', or so to speak. I think it tastes good, feels good, and I love them. I also believe that I look better in pictures when I'm holding a cigarette, and I also think people look sexier when they're smoking.

  • Re: Shy Guy

    Ken_ - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Unknown Antics: “Dont listen to the emo... Anywho don't give compliments chances are that will just choke him up or somthing. Best bet is to crack a joke or two with him or talk to him when hes in a more layed back scenario. Dont be corny cheesey or desperate. You got the pussy so the wittle boy will most likley fear you. Dont make him think of the pussy. Or you could tell him about your cum swallowing habbit and refer him to that other thread ya know??? GL” Don't listen to this kid, …

  • Re: Runescape :(

    Ken_ - - Video Games


    I bot accounts up and sell them, I just recently sold a pure that took 1-2 months too make. It was around level 64, beat Desert Treasure, and had 94 Magic. Botting is the way to go, legit play is boring. I just enjoy PvP and questing, I hate leveling with a passion.

  • Re: Pre-Ejaculate

    Ken_ - - Teen Sexuality


    Fap a shit ton more often..

  • Re: masturbating with condom on

    Ken_ - - Teen Sexuality


    I tried it once out of curiosity, it sucked. It feels a shit ton different, and you can barely feel your hand through the damn thing. Not to mention the sensation of cumming sucks when something is blocking the spray. It feels like a dribble rather than a spray, which is a shit feeling.

  • Re: ThePirateBay

    Ken_ - - Technology and the Internet


    I can't do TPB anymore. I got mail saying I was caught, if I do it again I'm in big trouble. My mom almost lost her job over it as well, she's a police officer, so she was quite upset with me.

  • Re: coming out via text to parent

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    I did it via mail, and we talked over texting, so yes, texting is totally fine. There are no set rules on what you have to do.

  • Re: Touching

    Ken_ - - LGBT


    I nipples on guys. >_>

  • No, I trust them, and this is the reason I delete every comment, and make sure I approve them. I hate people that do that. My mother did it to me for a bit, so I deleted her, blocked her, and setup my comments in a different way.

  • Quote from Aliex: “yay somewhere to talk. lol i have a therapist but i cant talk to her working on getting a new one but for now. im a girl and im thinking about getting a sex change. ive talked to some of my friends about it but they tell me not to because if i did i wouldnt be me. my older brother just got wierd. and my old roomie told me not to until i was atleast 18. i was just wondering what anyone else thought?” Why the hell did you bump this..? inb4 lock

  • Quite often, honestly... I don't much watch my language around anyone.

  • Re: Guys ear piercing

    Ken_ - - Fashion


    Quote from Linda: “Well I'm a girl and have 11 ear piercings, so I can answer your questions. What earrings do you wear?: When you first get it pierced you have the option of about 20 earrings, however, most of them are girly earrings. Most guys just go with a diamond stud, it ranges in size. Are they comfy? I.e. can you feel them in your ears all the time, or does the feeling go away?: I guess its a difference of opinion, but after the first day you don't really notice the earring anymore. It m…

  • I won't drink, but I think it should be lowered. I figure 3 years won't make difference, 21 is still an average college age, and half the college jocks drink like nuts anyways.

  • Re: An ex-boyfriends revenge

    Ken_ - - Teen Sexuality


    You can involve the police, you're 18, as long as that video isn't Child Porn, you shouldn't get in trouble for it.