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  • Re: idkkkk i guess im confused. . .

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    Quote from Millie93: “soooo me and this guy are kinda talking. and when i talk to him its like im in heaven. i lovee his smile and he is so kind and sweet. but when i think about us being togther i start to have like second thoughts. like i think: whyy am i talking to a guy. . . . im just like reaaalllyyy confused. and idk what to tell him. i dont wana hurt his feelings but i dnt want to be in an unfomfortable situation. what should i do ????? :confused:” Why do you question yourself? If you enj…

  • Re: Gay Sex?

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    Quote from adamEcstacy: “Here are my suggestions: -You said you didn't want any sort of penetration. Just tell or text him that you don't want him putting his penis in your or anything, but besides that, you're willing to experiment. -If you still want to experiment with him, set up a sleepover date. But keep these in mind, for both of you: do your parents often check on you when you have friends over? Are the walls thin? Is your room far enough from your parents' room as well as siblings/relati…

  • Re: Gay Sex?

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    Quote from Hitopopamus: “You come here asking us how to have sex without neither side using their penis. All you can do is make out if your limits are so strict, but I'm pretty sure that your friend is expecting a bit more than that.” All I really care about at the moment is that there is no (I hope this is the right word) intercourse. Forget what I said above about the whole penis thing. I'm fine with him using his penis as long as it doesn't end up inside of me. I understand that this may not …

  • Re: Gay Sex?

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    Quote from Tombgeek: “So let me get this right: 1. You don't want to touch his penis. 2. You don't want him to touch your penis. 3. You do not want his penis on you. Soooooooo....well, frottage does not need protection, because it's non-penetrative, but you said you don't want his penis on you. So you just want to hug, grope, and kiss/make out?” I'm sorry I'm not making any sense. I really had no ideas what two guys do. It's not so much the touching (cause with more time I'll probably get over t…

  • Re: Gay Sex?

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    Quote from Tombgeek: “1. Anal sex - Use water-based lubricants and a condom...ALWAYS! Go slowly, because it can be a pit painful at first. The person receiving has to be completely relaxed. Don't force the penis in, push it in slowly. It is best to use sex toys first (or your fingers with a latex glove) to lesson up the anus. I was going to post a picture from SAW to describe the sort of reaction the bottom will get if you don't do it properly, but I think I may scare you. . . . Aw, what the hel…

  • Gay Sex?

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    So my friend and I have been texting and he has been hinting that he wants to experiment. I never had sex ed and never had "the talk." I really know little to nothing about sex let alone gay sex. Like what do two guys do? I definetely have thought about kissing him but he wants more. I've never had any sort of sexual encounter but he on the other hand claims to be very experienced. What do I do? Any advice, tips, a "how to", or websites? I really am the most inexperienced 16 year old guy on the …

  • Re: Does He Like Me?

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    I can't really tell from what you've said. If he thinks you're cute there's a chance. Is there anymore details you can give me??

  • So let me catch you up on my life. I came out to two of my friends a week ago that I was bi. I've never kissed anyone (well once on stage but that's another story) and never had any sexual encounters with a guy or girl. Now to today. (Oh, and I'm gonna change the names just for privacy). A friend of mine who I have not seen for three years asked to be my friend on facebook. His name is Alex and I accepted and almost immediately he started chatting me and in his first post said, "so Max said you …

  • I said it! Now what...?

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    So yesterday I told my friend I was bi. It was one of the most terrifying things of my life. Thankfully she was totally fine with. It wasn't awkward after or anything. But now what? I don't wanna all of a sudden change the way I act in front of her and speak my mind about hot guys etc. cause that would be weird. But I do at sometime want to talk to her about stuff. Especially this guy I like at school. I just felt like I needed to tell someone but I don't wanna be pushy. So I guess my question i…

  • Quote from Alucard 117: “Wow, I'm taking 5 AP classes this year, and none of them have a workload like that. Were you gone for a while?” I haven't missed a day. That's the thing. Anyways. Still working and probably will be until four in the morning.

  • Quote from Alucard 117: “What classes are you taking, and what are the assignments?” English, Spanish, and History are the main ones. English: Read The Scarlet Letter, which I've been doing for the past five hours and am almost done with, fill in a work sheet on it with quotes etc, define vocab words, and a creative writing thing. Spanish: Some worksheets, CD listening exercise, and some bookwork History: Read some of a chapter, take notes, and make 20 flashcars. The English and Spanish are due …

  • So yesterday I worked from after school til 10 on homework. This morning, I woke up at 6 and immediately began doing more homework until school. And now, I've been doing homework for five hours and I'm still not done so I'll probably end up doing the same thing tomorrow! Some is due tomorrow and some the next day. What do I do!!?? Do I stay up late tonight to finish it or do I wake up early tomorrow again? Any advice? I'm going insane. This is what I get for taking AP classes.

  • Re: Sexual attraction preferences

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    I like guys for their bodies. I like the non-"goth" skater guy. He's athletic (but no body builder), messy brown hair, wears vans, but is not into the whole wearing black thing. That's definetely a turn off. With that hair, beautiful eyes, an incredible jaw line, and no drugs, I'm happy. Unfortunately the guy I'm interested in at school matches all that criteria except for the drugs. But maybe I can change that.

  • Re: Am I bi?[Male]

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    You're twelve so you're a little young to know these things for sure. I'm sixteen and only now just coming to terms with my sexuality (gay or bi). If you really want to find out, wait a few years. Don't label yourself just yet. These things happen at a young age. But the ultimate test I did to see if I was truly attracted to guys was to clearly picture myself kissing one. What about seeing them with nothing on? What about doing stuff with them? Look at real guys and picture yourself with them. I…

  • Quote from rmg126: “Straight guys are hot There's just something about a straight guy that I find very.......arousing? :3 I dunno if that's the right word. But anyway! I totally see where you're coming from...A guy doesn't have to be buff, ripped or "macho" for me to be attracted to him...he can be skinny and shy as long as he's not into wearing makeup or anything of that nature. Yeah, your best bet is to try and find the "undercover" ones, those are always the way to go. I've learned that many …

  • Soda Chocolate Fast Food Candy Hot Dogs Ice Cream Yeah, I'm weird...

  • So I've recently come to terms with my sexuality and at accepted that I'm gay or at least bi. So over the past few days as I've "allowed" myself to check out a few guys around school and see which ones I'm attracted to, I seem to really like these same few similar looking guys that I can't really explain. But they're all straight. So i started thinking and I realize that I could never picture myself kissing one of the few gay guys at my school. I just don't seem to like the stereotypical gay guy…

  • Re: Don't know what to do...

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    Quote from SubtleInFiction: “You don't have to ask them straight out - 'are you a lesbian?'. You could work into the conversation something about LGBT issues, and then casually ask whether they've ever considered dating a girl” I'm in the same situation as you, except I'm a guy. From what I've heard the best way to figure out if your crush is gay/straight is to not go and say "hey, i'm gay, are you gay?" because you aren't ready to come out just yet. Like it's said above. Casually bring it up. D…

  • Quote from lovedrunk18: “i want more friends like yours lol” Me too! Oh my gosh. Sounds perfect.

  • Re: Encounters and unsure

    Connor.Hummel - - LGBT


    Agreed. Maybe he's just attracted to you in the way you are attracted to him. Maybe he is straight but likes a little thing on the side from you. I would assume if the stuff u did together was uncomfortable for him he would say something and sense he is doing almost all of it, he sounds like he's enjoying it.