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  • Re: Club shoes??

    Sammy-B - - Fashion


    wow thanks guys... I totally got laid with those flipflops. :p

  • but hot!

  • Re: Crazy sex dreams

    Sammy-B - - Teen Sexuality


    I had a dream where i was rich and i was living alone in a villa on some island but with a dozen young ladies that were my sexual slaves, and i could do whatever i wanted with them, anywhere, anytime. Ill leave out the details :p

  • just date her secretely and sneak around. lol

  • lol.

  • Club shoes??

    Sammy-B - - Fashion


    What should i wear when i go clubbing?? Most of the people wear ugly leather shoes.... those pointy things... whatever i hate those type of shoes, but thats what everybody wears. Anything else you can wear while clubbing?

  • Vans warped tour anyone??

    Sammy-B - - Music


    Anybody going to the Vans warped tour this year? Ill probably be at the Montreal show. Im looking forward to these bands: Four year strong Set your goals Fight fair Im also a big fan of metalcore, so ill be checking out Parkway drive too. And Sum 41 of course, i don't really listen to them but its always great to listen to a childhood band.

  • Re: Bullet for my valentine new album

    Sammy-B - - Music


    havent listened to yet. I loved their first cd, but its not really my type of music.

  • im in love thats all... dude, this is borderline pedophilia. your 16, shes 10. Your not supposed to be attracted to a girl that age. if i was 16 and i had a 10 year old sister, and i saw some dude my age hitting on her, i would beat the life out of him.

  • dude... how the fuck can you be attracted to a 10 year old?

  • i know i generelized witht he kid maturity thing, but... i sort of meant what you said about what does this guy do with his life, talking to a 16 year old

  • ask her out. or next time you talk to her, flirt with her explicitely. Show her what you feel. I know its scary. Ive been afraid of bad reactions, and that if i ask a girl out, she laughs at me, and tell her friends that laugh at me too, then the whole school wants to stab me.. lol im exagerating, but i know its scary. But just do it!

  • Re: Help

    Sammy-B - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    poems... wow, thats cool actually, but in our cold world, poems don't work anymore. She is mad at you, because girls, even if they dont want your dick in particular, always love to know that some guys think they are beautiful, some guys wants them... Even when they have a boyfriend, they want to feel loved by the others. In your case, this seems to be extreme. She wont perform oral sex on you... but she is mad that you might not love her??? come on man, what the fuck? think about it for a second…

  • 22j2, that shit happened to a friend once. Allright girls, sorry if im being offensive here, i know its not all of you but..... Girls and internet man... girls and social websites.. are pretty fucked up, and immature. Deleting somebody from a picture or whatever is a huge offense... They get into every stupid little internet trend... they are pretty fucked up. So just forget about the bitch, she is pretty stupid. I know just forgetting about it can be frustrating, but you cant do shit to girls o…

  • well... first of all your not supposed to be best friends with a girl. Friendship between a guy and a girl is always kinda fake. you can't be friends with a girl the same way you are with a guy (unless she is a lesbian maybe?) There is always one who wants to screw the other. Ok some of you might say: No well i know a girl, or i know a guy, we are best friends, we dont want to have sex together bla bla bla.. I believe you but chances are you friend would like to bang you. Anyways, when a girl is…

  • wow, this is like the reverse homosexual-friend situation. anyways, dont care about the other cadet guys. You want to bang your friend, you bang her. If you really dont want to have sex with her, then you have to be honest quickly, because its going to suck for her. It happen to me many times, some girls pretended they wanted my dick, but i was in their homosexual-friend category the whole time. Be clear with her as quickly as possible, that she is in your lesbian-friend category. Or bang her.

  • yeah but we still call it pedophilia because: come on.. the bodies of the girls of 16 and older dont have much difference, but what kind of guy would date a kid? 16 is a teenager... but still a kid. Not mature enough for many things. When your 27 and going after a 16 year old, you have a problem. What are the reasons you would want to be with a kid? Usually those reasons are: they are easier to manipulate, they are naive which means easy sex. Unless the girl is incredibly mature, and looks like …

  • Re: question

    Sammy-B - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    well can be both actually. Maybe hes being honest since he said he wasnt looking for anything serious. Usually people would just lie, bang you then disapear. But, you can't be sure. and you'll never know unless you try him!

  • well, the rule of not dating guys 11 years older when your 16 was made up because guys that age have a tendency to manipulate younger and more naive girls, using them for sex and crap like. If your sure that both of you guys have real feeling towards one another, well... i guess its ok. but he is still a semi-pedophile. lol.

  • lol who the hell gave me that stupid reputation thing? firstsleep provoked me (lol sorry for the fuck you though) ---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ---------- And Steven, we drink to be socially accepted. duh! I think beer tastes bad too. You know, everybody has their own taste: i love orange juice, but i know a couple of people who don't. I hate grapefruit juice like many people, but i know lots of people who do. Its just funny how EVERY teenager that tu…