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  • This is the best idea ever. The OP has just become my best friend.

  • I voted for the secession party.

  • Quote from Lester.0: “a day doesn't really man a 24 hour day as we use now. A day just means a certain amount of time. The 7 days in the bible could of been millions of years. So while God was making the Earth, dinosaurs were existing. No hate plz.” Biblical Days, Godly Days, or Genesis Days is what they're also called.

  • Re: mac vs pc

    Vice - - Technology and the Internet


    [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • Quote from Dr.Carter: “Yes. Such acts as the Boston Tea Party were terrorist acts, Americans just don't see it that way. Looking at it abstractly, there's not much difference between spilling tea in the 17th century to show your displeasure towards an oppressive foreign influence and spilling oil in the 21st century for the same reason. I think terrorism is a necessary tactic for a small force hoping to repel a much larger one. I don't agree with the motives behind modern terror attacks, towards…

  • Re: School uniform

    Vice - - Education & Jobs


    Quote from Tombgeek: “Meh, school uniforms are okay I guess. It is kind of strange at first, but you eventually get used to it and it feels weird when you are allowed to wear casual (which is only about three or four times a year at my school). It only sucks when you have to wear khaki shorts and khaki shirt with long khaki socks, a green tie and brown shoes. *shudders* I really dislike my summer school uniform.” That's the British army uniform. You should be proud to wear it. ---------- Post ad…

  • Re: Charter Schools

    Vice - - Education & Jobs


    Like a magnet school? I was in one until 9th grade.

  • Re: Algebra

    Vice - - Education & Jobs


    I hate linear algebra, it's just too gay.

  • You could act crippled and they probably won't bother you. There was this one kid at my high school called cane boy and he walked around with a cane because of a bad leg. No one messed with him.

  • Re: Soda-pop (advice needed)

    Vice - - Health and Fitness


    What is soda-pop?

  • Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “Studies have actually linked porn to sexual addiction and other mental disorders. Certain serial killers have had some of their issues linked back to pornography addictions.” Move to a country where porn is illegal then.

  • Yes.

  • Quote from The Sorrow: “OKAY 1) get a new life 2) stop cutting, cut somthing else (inanimate preferd) 3) get new friends or lose em all together 4) life is always worth living. no matter what is going on, just the pure fact that you can understand something is bad should shock you, let alone the fact your even alive in the first place. every second is worth living. no matter what. Even dieing is worth living. Death is forever, but life is a limited time offer. 4) you do want to live. you just ha…

  • Re: How to look emo?

    Vice - - Fashion


    Some moron said that my profile pic looked emo.

  • I'd rather be feared than loved.

  • In my region, when someone says guy it also can include girls. A different dialect definition perhaps?

  • Re: Amnesia

    Vice - - Video Games


    Quote from JohnDoe: “Is there a dev console so I can just noclip?” No, why?

  • Re: Gay Sex?

    Vice - - LGBT


    Quote from Tombgeek: “Provided one of the participants is not circumcised.” I was actually joking sorta. Because it's so rare to find someone uncircumcised and isn't well known so probably no one does it.

  • Re: Amnesia

    Vice - - Video Games


    If you guys play it, when you get to the part where you have the acid and are about to use it, record your reactions for the next five or so minutes of the next part. Here's where at lol. 24l21bc.png

  • It's New York, being a liberal state run by the Democrats means you don't have so many rights and the police have more powers. Now if police stopped me around here for no reason to search my things I'd tell them to **** off and give them the bird.