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  • Re: Short hair...?

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Fashion


    Quote from hheartstrongg: “If you cut your hair short, don't forget to donate it to make cancer wigs!” I'll err .. bare that in mind? I'm still not sure what to do... And by the way .. when I say short I don't mean a bob .. just so that you don't get the wrong idea. I wlil NEVER have a bob .. =\ Anyway yeah .. Thanks for your popinions so far?? xXx-chloe-xXx

  • Short hair...?

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Fashion

    Post i'ev always had long hair, but now I'm wondering whether I should cut it all off and go for a short cut. Can yuo tell me whether you think I'd suit short hair, and how short? With pictures would be helpful. Also, would a pierced lip suit me? Bottom lip on the right, so on the left from the pic. Thanks guys xXx-chloe-xXx

  • When I like a guy I always talk to them a lot, and if I see they´re by themselves I´ll always go over to them and start to talk. I blush wuite a bit while I´m around him, although if I get comfortable talking to him I don´t blush as much. Physical contact is also something I tend to do a lot, however small. Hope I helped x

  • I don´t think that he would just use me, he doesn´t seem to be that kind of person but I geuss I don´t know him really will. Thanks for your opinions tho guys, I´ll see him again in a couple of weeks for drama and I might take NickTurtle´s advice and try to meet up with him. I´ll also see how things go when we´re not talking everyday face to face - when it´s just once a week and see if he still acts the same. He definately acts different to me than a lot of people but yeah he might just want my …

  • Sorry if this is quite long or you can´t be bothered to read all of it... but please try to help or tell me ur opinion. Iight, lets start from scratch. I go to this drama group once a week which lasts for three hours, but I only started to go a few months ago. There´s this guy there, lets call him fred, who I liked since quite near the start of it, and still like now. We did a big show about two or three weeks ago that took three weeks of non stop work to prepare. He wasn´t there for ther final …

  • Lol. I love Mr. Susan .. Best epised, Mr. Susan and the crimp off. xD DID YUO KNOW they're sewing sugar puffs because of the crimp advert? :O

  • Re: Favourite subjects?

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Education & Jobs


    I loev maths and Music. I absolutely detest applied business studies. As ya cn see from my rant the other day =P

  • Well, all yuo can really do it talk to her. Do you sit near her in any lessons? If you do, you should talk to her in that lesson, if she struggles maybe help her, or if you struggle, ask her for help. If not, when you see her around shcool or something, just say hi how are ya, if she stops and talks hey go for it, just say what somes, if she just says hi then don't act desperate, juist leave it and try again another day. At least, that's what I'd want a dude to do to me ... As long as you don't …

  • Yeah .. compartmental eating is like where you eat al of your food seperatley and stuff ... I have a certain order and everything that I have to eat every meal in .. something as trivial as pasta or curry where it is all mixed up anyway, I have to pick out each item in a certain order.

  • Mighty Boosh and Noel Fielding ...

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Music


    ARE JUST THE SEX!!! Seriously ... The Mighty Boosh is my fav prorgamme EVER. I'm seeing them in October I'm so excited =D AND AND AND OMGOD NOEL IS SO FUCKING HOT Just so the sex ... And in the big fat quiz of the year 07 omgod how funny lol. I love his cape. I'm buying one. And I want his hair, I'm steainghis hair. You know the heat magazine song? The one that goes "We're going to london to buy a heat magazine" ... WELLLL We rewrote it .. so it goes ... We're gong to Looodond to rape Noel Field…

  • Shy ...

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Bleh .. I'm too shy around boys ... and girls if I don't know them ... In maths I'll talk to my crush fine and stuff, but only because Nelson, Tom and Alex are there, who are annoying me, which makes me loud .. and then I kinda forget aboutthe fatc I fancy Ryan and am embarrassed .. I mean of course I know I fancy him and stuff Ij ust kinda .. am not nervous ... but any other time all I can say to him is "Hi ***" or "** smells". Seriously, that's the only two thinsgs I ever say to him ... I'm ju…

  • I know it's illegal to hit children under five, but my mum feels it shuold be illegal to hit children full stop. IT's sickj. If it's realy hurting yuo or scaring you you should call child line or social services. Doing some chores is normal, but if you're not exagerating when yuo say the whole house that's a bit harsh, I only have to do that if we have like a house viewing the next day and the hosue is a pigsty, but even then we all chip in. You should definatly complain if you feel abused, don'…

  • OMFG ISN'T IT JUST THE WORST SUBJECT EVER? Sorry .. i need a goood rant. IT'S SO DUL. 2 hours ona wednesday of sitting in front of a copmuter doing fuck all .. wishing away the minutes .. sitting two feet away from my crus but not being able to say a word to him .. copying of powerpoints onto a different document for 2 hours .. then getting the results and gretting a D when you're predicted an A and having to work for ten hours to rise it up to the A .. URGH I FUCKING HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT I W…

  • compartmental eating

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Health and Fitness


    Could this be classed as a form of OCD?? It's just .. my dad keeps on taking tmhe micky out of me about me having realy bad compartmental eating, and then saying I have like, OCD. So, could it be?? Or should I just ignore him?? I don't mean I necessarily have OCD, just wondering if it could escalte to OCD. Thanks, Chloe x

  • Re: yeah.. help

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Friends and Family


    since I had a fallout with her a few months ago .. she's had arguements with everyone for exactly the same reason, she's selfish- she guilts you into donig what she wants all the time, she uses you, she jumps between all her friends as well. I forgot and forgave before, but then this happened =|

  • Re: yeah.. help

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Friends and Family


    I tried that. And then she was even worse. So I've been trying to avoid her .. but .. yeah

  • yeah.. help

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Friends and Family


    wel,l a couple of months ago I had an arguement with my "best friend". I finally realised what a bitch she is, she always uses people and only ever thinks about her self. Well, anyway, I had an arguement with her and told her all of this, and she proved my point by saying how upset she was and blocking me on msn. Well, that was a few months ago. We haven't made up, but now, if I hang about with my best friends who I've known for years, she comes along and talks to everyone, leaving me out, and s…

  • I'm trying to do crunches and push ups every day but I either forget or do'nt feel like it ... other than that I do sports outside of school twice a week, and sometimes go for bike rides. I walk home from school most nights, and sometimes to school as well (I live a good mile away from school.) ^^. Could anyone giveme any tips to make me remember about my cruches and press ups??

  • Re: I can't breath.

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Health and Fitness


    Okay, well I'll talk to jmy mom about it soon. I can't talk to her at the moment as she has problems of her own, and she's swelling up right now so I'll talk to her when she's better, probably sometime on the weekend.

  • Re: I can't breath.

    xXx-chloe-xXx - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from TheBlackCloudUpAhead: “Well I don't see how it could be more dangerous than asthma - unless your lungs are falling out. If its just with running, its either asthma or basic unfitness. The burning sensation you describe is a classic sign of MAJOR exertion. Stop trying to push yourself to go mental, have a short jog and stop. Build it up slowly. I think you'll find its just poor fitness, and your body is like "WTF this isn't bouncing or climbing!!" Hope that helps. And if you never post…