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  • Quote from Cradle of Filth: “Muh bad she uses hit , n e ways, I have a friend that her mom burned her with like a hot thingys they use to like mark the cows. Now stuff like that is something to worry about not cuss some1 hits her to clean the house” you should get your downsyndrome checked out.

  • Re: Gaining weight

    tori85 - - Health and Fitness


    like everyone else has said your best bet is to start eating allot and doing weights my friend was pretty skinny too then started drinking those protein shakes and going gym 2times a week and doing home workouts now hes gained allot of muscle and weight. remember too muscle weighs more than fat

  • Quote from jonathanL: “Yo guys, names jonathan. I had a project due today in my english class, i had to bring in my laptop to present it on the overhead. I came in, got it all connected to the overhead but had to head to the bathroom for a minute. I come back and theres a kid on my laptop, i look at the board and it seemed as though he found my secret folder. The teacher was cracking up... there were pics of girls IN that class, under the pics they were titled "cexy1.jpg, hott.png" etc. I heard …

  • I have, it's such an amazing feeling being with that person and talking to them, just happy all the time you just don't want it to end ever and a really special feeling that I can't describe

  • that actually did help coming from someone who was in the same situation thanks, I guess I'm better off preoccupying myself with other stuff like going to the gym and out with friends thank god it's close to summer.

  • Okay so, I was going out with my boyfriend for about 6months last year then he decided to break up it really hurt and I spent allot of time crying because of the way it ended with him saying "just stop" and ignoring allot of the stuff I would try to get across , but I managed to get over it by avoiding all possible contact with him and I met the most amazing guy we shared interests in everything (music,movies,activities etc..) so that helped me allot with getting over it too but he moved away a …