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  • Re: Adhd

    Vengeful Angel - - General Advice


    ermm yer sorry exboii ment ex boyfriend should have made it clearer and wrote it properly. Im curious does it effect emotion and how they understand it, that is something iv been led to belive.

  • Adhd

    Vengeful Angel - - General Advice


    Please help me, i need to know anything you know about adhd. Be it rumours, myths and truths please post. If anyone has any idea on how there minds work how ever fage please tell me andyone dating someone with adhd or bestfriends with it? please. My best friend/on and off exboii has it and i wanna understand him more and i wanna be able to help him xxx Thank yous

  • he's taking meds for the adhd as far as im aware. Hes a good lad whens hes calm and happy and hes one of the only people who notices when im upset. But when hes annoyed or we argue it upsets me and i always worry thats hes going to walk away from me without giving me a real chance

  • My mum is against me going out with a lad with ADHD. I am 2 years younger then him and where as hes had sex before i am still a virgin. Hes know for his impulsive skipping from one girl to another, as on annual camp he was always ending one girl for another. We went out on camp but lasted less then 24 hours but he got in touch with me again outta the blue a month later. He says he still likes me but i have my reservations about going back out with him, due to his flirty behaviour with all girls.…

  • I have quite a few male friends who smoke and when iv considered started they've all told me its a stupid thing to do and NEVER start. They would stop but they can't/won't.