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  • Short trousers and tee from Rolling Hills Community Church

  • No but im afraid of it all the time. My step dad has weird rule: Normally me and my step siblings are not allowed to close the door of our rooms so parents have control everytime. They don't come in very often but it should be possible. Only when behaviour is perfect he allow us to close our room doors. I dont know why he do so because i like my privacy very much. But okay - he is the boss, can't do anything against it! You can imagine how strained things like masturbating is for me.

  • Not much. I am new in Tennessee (and in the USA) since this year. My english skills are "ok" when i read and write but i can't understand good while talking. Other pupils are nice to me but i think i am too shy Most time i spend with my step siblings (girl, 11 and boy, 16). We live in small town and sometimes i meet with a boy in my age to play soccer or playstation games.

  • Hey, my name is Nikolai, i am 15 years old, born in russia and most time grown up in germany. Sorry - my english skills must be better I have question. My mother and me moved to a small town near Nashville, Tennessee this year. She married my stepdad, a self employed car mechanic with daughter (11) and son (16). I dont know how to deal with the situation that he is very strict. First it was only with the other kids, but now every month is lot of new rules and prohibitions for me too. I like him …