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  • Career/College

    RyanKey=MyLife - - General Advice


    Once again, I am unsure on what I want to do. I seem to keep changing my mind quite often. Career/Job choices I have considered: Forensic Science Something in design Work with animals(but not be a vet) Musician Songwriting(Something I enjoy alot, but can't find a course just for that ) I want to do something I enjoy, something I'm passionate about, something I can keep on doing without getting bored of it. Parents keep suggesting Office/IT work, but thats something I DON'T want to do. Simply bec…

  • So... I was planning on ending it today. Thought it through about what I was going to say and how to say it. Went to College. A friend told me he was asking about me. So I know he was there today. But I never saw him at break or anything which is weird because he's 'always' there. >.> So I didn't get to tell him. <.< I feel like texting him and telling him now instead(I know thats the cowards way out) but I can't wait any longer. I just know he's going to want to talk to me in person on Monday a…

  • I've been going out with my boyfriend for about 3 months now. But I want to finish it. I've been wanting to finish it for a while now. I like someone else. But I'm rubbish at break-ups, like when I plan on telling him I don't want to see him anymore, he starts on about how he'll do 'anything' for me. Which makes me feel bad I wanna break up with him, without hurting him, but I don't know how to I thought about saying 'I'm not ready for a relationship just yet' but if I say that, then get with so…

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “so in the past, did somebody break your trust? can you remember being more social or were you always like this?” Yes. I've never really been a social bunny, but I know I used to let people in if they spoke to me

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “any reason for that? trust issue?” I don't know... Maybe... I've trusted people in the past when I really shouldn't have. I don't usually talk to people first, I wait for them to talk to me, but it's like I hardly talk and just answer with yes or no... I don't know, I just don't seem to want to let people in

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “well if you wont let him in or talk to him much of course a boy isnt going to like you much and probly just stop talking to you?” I mean theres someone that wont talk to me(as nothing to do with the letting people in part) as I guess I was kinda close to them before. I just don't let new people in or let people get to know me anymore is what I mean in the other part

  • Why do you think he's being like this? *finally asks him* (8)Is it too late to say Goodbye says (19:37): Dan.. Him(19:37): What? (8)Is it too late to say Goodbye says (19:38): Have I done somthing wrong? Him(19:38): No... (8)Is it too late to say Goodbye says (19:38): Ya sure? =/ Him(19:38): Yeah I g2g to do some hw Him(19:39): Soz Cya (same as before, suddenly has to go, and less than 5 min convo) :S

  • The main reason I feel down at the moment is kinda long, and most likely to creep some people out Are you guys still Okay with me Pm'ing you? I don't want to PM someone if it's going to be too long to read/or you can't be bothered to read it all. Plus I would prefer if you didn't judge too easily

  • Quote from Jack: “im here” Jack, may I have where you're from? Just the country will do:P

  • I'm Bi-Polar. I've actually been feeling good recently, up to now atleast. College starts in just under 2 weeks(Good thing) Now I feel awful again Anyone willing to talk, on here and via PM? (One reason I feel down, I don't want to post on here just incase)

  • The Hills

    RyanKey=MyLife - - Films, TV and Books


    Does anyone watch it? An episode was on recently, I wasn't actually watching it, but I have the TV on in the background. It's the episode with Ashley Tisdale-He Said She Said on. There was also another song with a male singer, I can't find it anywhere. Some of the lyrics are; 'I'll wait for you, nobody ever told you no' I googled what I heard and the only thing that came up was; Joe Nichols I'll Wait For You But I youtubed it, and it doesn't sound right =/ If anyone could find the episode soundt…

  • If I like someone, I'll chase them for months, just leaving hints that I like them, but not actually saying it outfront. But always wondering if they like me back =/ I know that if I eventually tell them, they wont be interested, then I'll have to just get over them. But when You're just crushing on someone, erm... I don't know the word, just like you get infatuation. Or if you tell them straight away and they are interested, I'll go out with them, but then get bored not long after, and finish i…

  • Quote from T.N.T: “look you may just be a sensitive person..and maybe what you said or were taking about wasnt an emo-ish typa thing..emos can be defensive,abit arrogant cause i wont lie there this thing of feeling superior to the average "human" should i say however emos well most emos are very good at standing up for you, they are stronger than the average human simply because they've been hurt and have learnt to deal with if you ever lookin for advice or understanding id say turn…

  • Re: Finding your signature style.

    RyanKey=MyLife - - Fashion


    Quote from Aunt Jemima: “A normal person? That's a very ugly cam whore.” lol Strangely enough she was the only one I could find thats not obviously scene/emo chav/gangster or Rich looking(Like girls from 90210)

  • Finding your signature style.

    RyanKey=MyLife - - Fashion


    Have you guys found your signature style? How long did it take you? How did you find your signature style? I'm nearly 18 and don't have my own style, I'm into skate, emo, scene style, and I skate. But the way I dress atm is just normal clothes, like theres no stereotype. Although I do NOT want to fit into a stereotype, I want to dress Skater, Emo, Scene. Now what I need advice with is I have no idea what to do with my hair(I dyed it red, which suits me the best, I have a side bang, but it doesn'…

  • Re: What is YOUR Opinion?

    RyanKey=MyLife - - General Advice


    Quote from jaco123: “depends on genre hardcore punk, metal, death metal= no pop= yes” Rock, Emo, Acoustic

  • What is YOUR Opinion?

    RyanKey=MyLife - - General Advice


    I think this is the best section to post this in. Me and a couple of friends started up a band a few years ago, we was an Okay band, but one of us left and then another we have lost contact with, so now It's just me and one friend left, which we can't really make a band with 2 people Anyone the question I want to discuss is this... Do young male singers do better because their hot and girls always seem to obsess over young, famous, hot boys? Well they don't necessarily have to be singers, they j…

  • This guy added me on Facebook, we got talking and have the same interests, I liked him as soon as he added pictures(I can't explain it, seeing as I very rarely like someone just from seeing their pic) I later find out, that 'his' pictures arent actually him, on one of them it has a link to Myspace, and I asked the Facebook guy, if he has Myspace, and he replies that he doesn't, it got deleted. 0_0 But the link on the pic still works, the 'Real' dude, is kinda famous. Well he's in a band, and has…

  • Emos

    RyanKey=MyLife - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    I've joined an emo forum and an emo group on facebook and they come accross as arrogant :mad: Their not nice at all. Why the fuck does everybody, even people I don't know, have to be so rude to me? *waits for rude responses*