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  • 1. Age: 15 2. How old were you when you first hit puberty? 11 3. How old were you when you first got pubic hair? 11 3. How old were you when your boobs first started growing? I don't have boobs 4. How old were you when you first started comparing with others? Like 8 lol 5. Do you look or compare bodies or both? Both tbh 6. Age(s) you compare with or look at? Any that happen to be there 7. How developed are those your compare with or look at compared to you? Mostly further along than others my ag…

  • Boys and anal. have or thinking

    trey_c - - Puberty


    I've done it...had it both ways.

  • But what was your longst ejaculation?

    trey_c - - Puberty


    Quote from Ethan1: “Quote from trey_c: “Not sure if edging counts, but I've edged for a couple hours before when I couldn't sleep. Makes for a pretty intense cum. ” That's really a long time. Does your boner stay hard all that time? I edge and my penis gets soft from time to time. ” yea for the most part...not sure how much detail I'm allowed to go into here but I'll just keep taking it slow until I get close, take a break for a few seconds and repeat the process. Porn is usually a requirement i…

  • Chest Hair

    trey_c - - Puberty


    I've heard once you start shaving it'll just start coming in thicker. I'm not sure if that's just a tale but that's what I heard

  • But what was your longst ejaculation?

    trey_c - - Puberty


    Not sure if edging counts, but I've edged for a couple hours before when I couldn't sleep. Makes for a pretty intense cum.

  • Boys have you ever...

    trey_c - - General Advice


    yea, I do quite a bit. There are a couple carry out stores nearby that are more laid back so I've done it there, and just about anywhere you can go that's outside.

  • yea, happens to me

  • Urge to have sex

    trey_c - - Teen Sexuality


    Not to get too personal, but have you had sex yet? Before I had sex the first time, jerking off kept me satisfied but after I had sex, sex or oral is all I wanted to do. I could never get the same orgasm from doing it myself.

  • Shame and embarrassment

    trey_c - - Puberty


    I personally don't feel ashamed at all, if anything I see it as an accomplishment. As a boy all I ever wanted was to become a man so everytime something changes in my body during puberty I feel like that's one step closer. Idk, maybe that sounds stupid or silly but I'm oddly proud of my changing voice, my pubes, my bigger sex drive, and no reason boners as awkward as they can be.

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    trey_c - - Fashion



  • never shaved

    trey_c - - Puberty


    I don't gave to shave my face yet because I have kind of a baby face still but I do trim downstairs...not full on shave but it's not a jungle down there either

  • After sex

    trey_c - - Teen Sexuality


    try to get him to shower with you before like as a way of foreplay and afterward tell him how turned on you were by how clean he smelled during sex. Maybe he'll take it upon himself to get clean before sex if he knows you enjoy it more that way.

  • Embarrassed Moments

    trey_c - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't know about embarrassing, except getting caught by their parents, but I've had a few times where something kinda gross and weird have happened lol

  • I've never jerked off at school...I've caught people doing it and never said anything to anyone else but getting caught doing it at school and the news spreading would give you a reputation that'd be hard to shed. I rub one out before I leave in the morning and I can usually control myself till I get home that afternoon...there are exceptions tho lol

  • I started ejaculating right before my 12th birthday but it was kinda watery till I hit 13...that's when it thickened up if you know what I mean

  • Quote from Lucas3108: “Quote from trey_c: “yea new development lol. I've been caught. My mom didn't speak to me for a few days lol ” She was that mad about it ?! ” she just didn't want to accept that her little boy was doing adult things I guess

  • Is it normal

    trey_c - - Teen Sexuality


    Was it like an achy pain or a sharp pain? I've had my balls ache a little when I cum after edging for awhile or when I have a cum that's way more intense than usual. I said something to my uncle who is actually a urologist and he said that can be normal

  • Sleep naked with another boys

    trey_c - - Gay


    plenty of times...I don't think nudity, especially when sleeping, is as taboo as it used to be

  • your first time with same sex?

    trey_c - - LGBT


    first experience was with my best friend at the time. I was 10 and he was 11 or 12. He stayed the night and at some point we played truth or dare and it definitely went risky quick lol. Ended up in jerking and bjs. First time actually having sex, I was 12 and kinda got persuaded/manipulated by an older boy in the neighborhood that I looked up to. It turned out good tho...not what I expected but I'd say it was a good experience.

  • it's hard not to walk in on each other at least once in awhile when you share a room. My brother's were a little shocked the first time but at this point its second nature and no one cares.