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  • Thanks for your input guys, especially Jjplane. Reading what you wrote helped me get to sleep last night. I have to put a few things on hold for awhile because I slammed a car door on my thumb today. Using my thumb is not really an option right now so driving and volunteering will have to wait. It's funny, for some reason I'm in such a good mood. Probably because I took 3 painkillers and don't feel like cutting my thumb off anymore. Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks.

  • Some days it feels like I have all my crap together and others it feels like I'm only holding it all together with flimsy bits of tape. There's so much stuff I have to do. Serious, life changing stuff. College applications, SAT and ACT, driving test, volunteer hours, projects, college-level classes, liking boys, hating boys, liking girls so much more. Looking at things in a positive light, you could say I've got everything under control. I mean, I found a really great college that should be some…

  • Looks really good to me. The "hot girl" is Emma Roberts, Julia Roberts' niece. She's the reason I looked at it in the first place, but I think it's a movie I'd see even if she wasn't in it.

  • Re: Animal Rights/Welfare

    lcky - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “Except that's guilt by association. Supporting PETA doesn't instantaneously mean you're supporting terrorism. The conservatives tried to do the same thing during the '08 presidential election with Obama, saying he was involved with terrorism due to his connection with Bill Ayers. ” When you support something you should pay attention to what the heck it is that you're supporting. It's true, not every PETA supporter is instantaneously a terrorist supporter, but they're a…

  • Re: Guys wearing briefs

    lcky - - Fashion


    Quote from dusk: “Okay time for a fun question, would it be weird if a guy shaved or something, because lots of girls I know say yes, but they all say hair is gross too...” I don't think so at all. I like a little bit of hair on guys so.. if a guy shaved like every other week or every 3 weeks I think it'd be perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with cutting back that forest from time to time. Quote from TightAbs: “I shave most of my body hair. I was a swimmer so it's not weird to me. Frankly, I…

  • Re: Animal Rights/Welfare

    lcky - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from LuklaAdvocate: “Huh?” PETA gives money to the ALF. The ALF then uses that money to fund their terroristic "liberation" of animals (they even call themselves terrorists). So, when you give money to PETA, your money is going to the ALF, who uses it for terrorism. Giving your money to something terroristic is supporting it. Quote from lostpariah: “I also believe that alot of the definitions that were in the original post were opinionated.” I got the definitions from an animal science cla…

  • Re: Guys wearing briefs

    lcky - - Fashion


    Quote from NinjaGuy1337: “Ehh haha. The only bad thing about the thighs (imo) is the tan line. I usually wear more attractive boxers when it comes to "that" time of the night. ;)” And the hair. Pale skin with thigh hair is pretty revolting. Man legs aren't the prettiest things anyways (except for soccer player legs and certain other exceptions) with all that bushy hair, but then you add the paleness and that thigh meat and... it's just revolting.

  • Re: WTF happened to Linkin Park?

    lcky - - Music


    It sounds like they've gone techno. I guess some people are into that kind of thing, but I'm more into alternative rock. Their new sound definitely is unrecognizable and I don't like it. I like bands that stay the same and don't conform to society's fads. Some may call it fresh, I call it selling-out.

  • Re: Guys wearing briefs

    lcky - - Fashion


    I respect a boy in briefs. I feel like it takes some confidence and going against the "manly" norm is cool. Besides, boxers sag in the back and make it look like the boy has a full diaper. Boxer briefs are best because I don't like looking at a man thighs.

  • Re: Animal Rights/Welfare

    lcky - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Scaredycrow: “ That being said, I think PETA gets a worse rep than it deserves (I don't support them, however). There are tons of celebrities associated with PETA who aren't crazy. People really target the shelter thing without looking at much else; I mean, it's a shelter. It's difficult to take in that many animals, finance it, and get them all adopted out again, and we have no idea how old or how healthy the animals are that PETA does take in. It's drastic, but it's also not "for no…

  • Re: Animal Rights/Welfare

    lcky - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from artizhay: “I guess I believe in animal welfare. I don't support animal testing, but personally, if it was going to save my life or someone else's life, I'd rather an animal be tested than watch a human die because a cure could not be researched due to animal right limitations. And not using animals as service animals in my opinion is absurd. I guess there are two sides to this argument. You could say that it's cruel to bind an animal into "servitude" by making him work all day for, sa…

  • Re: Don't know how to ask this.

    lcky - - General Advice


    Tent city

  • Animal Rights/Welfare

    lcky - - Debate and Discussions


    Do you believe in animal rights? What about animal welfare? Did you know there is a huge difference between the two? I'll admit, only a few days ago I didn't. I was that idiot who was saying "yea! I believe in animal rights!." I thought organizations like PETA (animal rights activists) were doing great things. Boy was I wrong. Animal rights: The belief that animals used for human purposes is morally and ethically wrong. Animals should not be used for food, clothing, recreation, research, or to h…

  • Quote from dusk: “I can't say I know what you should do, but you seem like a really cool person, my advice would be just try to become more outgoing, even in small ways. On another note, I don't want to suggest that you hide for the rest of your life, but I do want to say that I doubt anyone else in the class knows how you feel about them, and there isn't any reason you can't be friends with someone your attracted to. Also: stereotypical male response but I don't care because its true: Its not g…

  • Quote from iChase: “I enjoyed reading your post, you have the most.. attractive writing sense. For one, you are not pathetic in anyway from feeling happy by riding in a car with a girl, to not being able to make friends. You my friend, are someone that will take to get use to something you might have never done, or something that always takes time physically and naturally. Friendship is something you find, and develop not out to grab. Some people don't think the same, which is another reason why…

  • This was the year that I thought everything in my life was going to start changing for the better. My life would start getting direction, I'd break out of my shell and make some friends, and my life would just overall get better. Instead, things seems to be getting worse. These first 3 weeks of school have broken me down. They've stressed me out so much that I haven't even had the time to nurse a cold I've had now for 6 days. I'm taking this vet class in school. I wanted to take it to see if I m…

  • Re: Ground Zero Mosque

    lcky - - Debate and Discussions


    It's a big deal. People are still very upset about it and they have every right to be. I'm not saying stereotyping all Muslims is right, but there are radical Muslims out there who would be attracted to this mosque. A mosque built near ground zero could attract tons of 9/11 supporters just as a mosque in Germany where the 9/11 high-jackers met attracted a bunch of supporters. Why don't the Muslims just choose a different site to build it? Why can't they just understand how it upsets people? It s…

  • Re: favourite TV series?

    lcky - - Films, TV and Books


    True Blood Pretty Little Liars (better than expected) Skins House So You Think You Can Dance Bachelorette (guilty pleasure) Survivor Smallville Vampire Diaries Old favorites: Friends Will & Grace One Tree Hill (it ended for me when Peyton left) Lost Veronica Mars 24 (no more Chloe :()

  • Re: Who likes American Dad?

    lcky - - Films, TV and Books


    I like family guy better. I hate the sexist parts of both shows, but the family guy characters are so lovable and it's easier to shrug off, whereas the american dad characters tend to piss me off.

  • Re: How Do you Protect yourself?

    lcky - - General Advice


    Quote from Cyndaquil: “The best way of self-defense is what you said :D. Not getting into situations that might turn nasty. Yes, taking a legit martial arts/self defense class ,sticking to it for a while, and being physically fit is a big bonus. If the attacker has a gun aimed at your head, you are screwed no matter who you are. But what are the odds that a guy will want to attack a teen with a gun just for the lulz? It is more probable that someone will attack you with their fists. For girls, i…