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  • Re: Piracy

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Liam: “I buy pirated DVD's, does that make me a pirate?” *facepalm* The whole point of piracy is to get things for free, but you pay people who pirated a movie for free? I don't get that at all. And yes I pirate almost everything I watch/listen to or use.

  • Firefox on OSX, Linux, and BSD. Chrome on Windows.

  • Re: Sacrifice

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Emz_x0x: “Hmm.....i dont even know really. As long as nothing/noone gets hurt its ok i guess.” I'm not sure you quite understand sacrifices (well maybe you do and your thinking about sacrificing a luxury etc) Anyway, I don't know if the OP was refering to religious sacrifices, or sacrificing yourself to save someone else, etc. Assuming religious sacrifices: No, I don't see it as even remotely acceptable Sacrificing yourself for someone else: Maybe if I had cancer and had like just a f…

  • Re: Racism

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “killing native americans,then it became a white nation,it was populated by white folk who founded America? Christopher Columbus You are a problem. You are an unsightly scab on the face of humanity racism is not dying,in fact the klan is growing in membership,so don't say it is dying because it is not children are been educated into klan groups and pro white groups Dr coon,he was taken care of and that was that,you are building the American nightmare Don't be sorry you…

  • Re: God...

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from The Guardian: “The of the Earth is a highly debated subject, even you of all people should know this. In the past years, the stages of evolution used to take just a few million years. Now, as you can clearly see the age has moved on to, billions of years, and the age of the universe is in the trillions. Not only that but the types of measurements we(scientists) use to "tell the age of the earth" are inaccurate and sadly they tell you the reading any way even if it contradicts the next…

  • Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “smoking last over a lifetime until you get cancer or something,illegal drugs can kill you earlier!!!! the term ''stoned'' illegal drugs take over you image.php” So if the government makes a prescription drug illegal, for example lets say Adderal, it automatically makes your life span shorter? Atleast that's what I got from all your arguments in this thread. And speaking of this thread, it is clearly titled "legalization of marijuana"; not "legalization of crystal meth…

  • Quote from The Guardian: “Wrong, as not guiding your life in the direction you wish it to travel, is a choice, just the same as guiding it in any direction one wishes. Meaning, we make our demise, by the choices we make or do not make. Islam is not the same as Christianity. Second your mockery, is not really a debate. Now, if you actually had something in your debate that would be a different matter. I have heard of atheist's mass homicides and then suicide. No, I'm not referring to it has your …

  • Re: Racism

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    And blitzkrieg, how do you think asians and whites came to be asian and white? The human race (homo sapiens) started in Africa.... You're descended from a black.

  • Quote from The Guardian: “Why take my word for it? You always have the afterlife, in which you will meet your demise, that you spent your lifetime building. No, I do not expect people to come rushing toward me, saying they believe me. It is their choice, I will not force them into anything, they can always wait and find out. God does not wish for them to be this way, but it must be because we choose to sin. We are the problem, not God.” So I have autism because of my sin? How can I sin while I'm…

  • Re: porn a sin?

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “you are watching people have sex for money and they are not related to each other,they are not husband and wife” Yes but you didn't answer my question, how can you have an emotion in your heart?

  • Just a quick question I've been pondering for a couple days. If god does exist, and he is omnibenevolent and omnipotent, then why are children born with disorders such as down syndrome, and, in my case, autism. I would love for someone to tell me as to why the worship a deity that lets children be born with problems like these which effects their whole future.

  • Re: porn a sin?

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from blitzkrieg kid: “but again back to lust which is a sin it is considered adultery if you look at a women with lust in your heart (Matthew 5:27 KJV) I went to wikianswers WikiAnswers - Is watching porn a sin from christain point of view” So only if you lust in your heart? What about the brain? Last I checked the heart doesn't control emotions. Sounds like the bible should get it's facts straight <.< .

  • Quote from Catlin: “Yes, Yes I believe it was a fake, and here are the reasons. 1. Apollo 14 astronaut Allen Shepard played golf on the Moon. In front of a worldwide TV audience, Mission Control teased him about slicing the ball to the right. Yet a slice is caused by uneven air flow over the ball. The Moon has no atmosphere and no air so it is not possible to slice. 2. A camera panned upwards to catch Apollo 16's Lunar Landerlifting off the Moon. Who did the filming? 3. One NASA picture from Apo…

  • Re: Racism

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from The Guardian: “There was more than one ethnicity oppressed.... And some even longer than 100 years.” Yes but were the peoplw ho were alive now oppressed hundreds of years ago; were they enslaved? I don't think so. So why should they get special benefits just because their ancestors were oppressed?

  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from The Guardian: “haha, dude, seriously that site does not even know the first thing, of the bible. I could start a whole bible lesson against them, but I grow tried of ignorance.” I actually know quite a bit about the bible. And the reason I think most people who are not religious see religion as detrimental to society is that it oppresses minorities who the bible says are sinners (gays, atheists, etc), attempts to stop scientific advancement, and in general breeds ignorance of the worl…

  • Re: give yourself head?

    swedekid - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from I-Mobot: “And doesnt it kinda make you gay if your sucking cocks and ur a guy? Doesnt matter if its your own. You got a cock in your mouth and thats all there is to it.” You obviously are an narrow minded dumb fuck as are most people in this section. Having a penis in your mouth (whether it be your own or someone elses) does not in itself make you gay. TO be gay you have to be attracted to members of the same sex physically AND emotionally. And please, learn to spell. You have a full …

  • Re: How much?

    swedekid - - Teen Sexuality


    $1000.... I'm such a manwhore .

  • Re: Guantanamo Bay

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Brainwiped: “so what? they're being punished... its prison, not holiday camp” Prison shouldn't be punishment. It should be correctional. I say close it. The prison not the base.

  • Re: cannibalism

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    I would attempt to find other means of survival. But I'm about 30 pounds overweight so that should last me a while. But yes if I ran out of body fat and couldn't find any other food I would do it.

  • Re: Bailout

    swedekid - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Frosty: “The bailout isn't trickle down economics. All blatent examples of the broken window fallacy. The only thing the government can do do help the economy is get the hell out of it. And these jobs should be lost. Propping up inefficient industries for the sake of 'saving jobs' just prevents the labour resources from flowing to more productive avenues. Hang on, weren't you claiming to me in another thread that you know what capitalism is? I suppose you think that central bank manip…