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  • Quote from Gooeyswat: “One, I think you already have a plan there with ripping her head off. But could this be avoided by not visiting so often? I think you have done well for yourself if you are already doing things on your own. You don't need to see them. You have your own life. Be happy with it and don't bother listening to them.” Wow an intellegent person on this site! Thank you, your not like some assholes on this site who make fun of people for getting raped or being beaten. Thank you for …

  • Quote from Sharkbait: “Ive never understood how a guy can rape another guy without some form of consent, e.g you dont resist because hes black mailing you or threatening to kill you, even if he weighed twice as much as you, how could he get it in if you were fighting back, moving around e.t.c?” That is the stupidest thing I've heard anyone say on this site. Anyone can be raped, reguardless of age, gender or race. Unfortunately theres not a lot that can be done now, you said it's been a while sin…

  • Quote from AccessDenied: “Start acting civil. Politeness doesn't cost anything. Just a bit of swallowed pride, that's all. :) Your parents bought your computer, paid for the internet and the electricity to power it. And you use all three to come here and moan your pathetic lot. Your parents clothe and feed you. They go out and earn hard earned cash to pay for the roof over your head. And still you see fit to complain. And so what your sister treats you like dirt. Are you nice to her? Insults are…

  • Okay, so my parents constantly treat me like shit. They call me fat, lazy, worthless tell me to fuck off and all that. My sister calls me a fat pig, faggot, queer and my parents just let her! All they say is ignore it. I'm at wits end, I feel like the next time my mom says that I'm going to lunge at her and rip her stupid head off. Any advice on what to do?

  • Trust me, it's never the answer. I'm so sorry for your loss, someone your age should never lose a family member, but just think what they would have wanted. They would want to see you grow up and be happy and have a family of your own. Suicide is a very serious thing and you'll hurt all your friends and most of all, your Grandmother. I know that life can be overwhelming and you are strong for sticking through it but things get better, they always do. Best wishes.

  • Masturbation with friend.

    TheStrangeOne - - Teen Sexuality


    Okay so I was wondering. A while back I was at my friend's house and he was busy playing on the computer and I was sitting on his bed. I got bored so I began "playing" with myself (I didn't whip it out is was over my clothes). Finally, I said I had to use the bathroom and finished my bussiness. I later told him and he said it was fine and he does it too. But for some reason I feel like I abused him because I didn't ask him if it was fine. Did I do something bad or is this a common thing?

  • Okay, so I'm not suicidal but I have passing thoughts, like if things get really stressful or I'm just really anxious (I have anxiety). Sometimes to relieve the tention I just stare at a knife or gun and imagine myself doing it which snaps me back (I'm scared of death) and I continue on with my day but lately it's been making me feel extremley guilty cause I touched a gun once and just said "See you can't go through with it." and walked away, but now I feel like I'm crazy! Was it normal what I d…

  • After every masturbation, god kills a kitten...

  • No but something that happens to me is the thing I was waking it to, doesn't become attractive to me for like another hour or so.

  • Re: Your thoughts?

    TheStrangeOne - - Teen Sexuality


    Oh okay, let me clarify. Okay so when my friend was six, she had a friend who was seven who used to play this game with other kids (maybe older) which involved oral-genital contact. The seven year old girl thought it was cool or whatever and asked her friend to try it out (six year old girl). They did and it only happened once. The parents found out and hated each other, and so the girls stopped being friends.

  • I take a shower (hate having cum on my me).

  • Your thoughts?

    TheStrangeOne - - Teen Sexuality


    Okay so recently my friend told me that when she was 6 years old that her then best friend (7 years old), touched her tounge to her privates. She said she wasn't forced or anything, but just agreed and got it over with. They did it once but never again, would you guys consider this bad or just kids trying things out?

  • Boobs because shit doesn't come out of there.

  • Your not alone. Believe it or not every teen suffers from problems wether it be physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse or psychological. Lucky for me I've only had to deal with Emotional. But depression isn't a sign of weakness, its a chemical imbalance that makes you begin hating things that you wouldn't, over/undereating, self loathing and many many things. Rest assured, its not true when they say that everything gets worse from childhood. Some people have the shittiest childhoods and t…

  • Re: Bad?

    TheStrangeOne - - Teen Sexuality


    Oh lol thanks. Yeah we were both the same age and I consented and I was totally cool with it so I pretty much just answered my own question! Thanks guys! I feel so much better!

  • Re: Bad?

    TheStrangeOne - - Teen Sexuality


    Thank you I feel so much better! I was told by a professional psychologist that it was normal and my friends said it wasn't abuse too. But I just needed a stranger's opinion. THANK YOU!

  • Re: I have a situation

    TheStrangeOne - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm sorry this happened. You are obviously dealing with what I call a she-devil. The way to take care of this is to report to the school that she has been doctering photos of you to make it look like you were doing something inappropriate. Again I'm sorry this happened and trust me; worst things have happened. So please please PLEASE don't commit suicide because there are a lot of people who still want you here! STAY STRONG!

  • Bad?

    TheStrangeOne - - Teen Sexuality


    Okay so I was wondering if this was sexual abuse or not. So one time as a child a friend the same age asked me if I wanted to do something and I said no. So he said okay but suggested something else. I hesitated then finally gave in. I wasn't put under any threat or anything he just asked me and I said okay. We were both just curious, Is this something bad or wrong?

  • Sullen Girl- Fiona Apple

  • Re: My Sister

    TheStrangeOne - - Friends and Family


    Well the good thing is, is that it hasn't negatively affected her in any way. So thanks for you advice guys!