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  • Re: The gourd test

    Brighteyes - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Conscientious You try to stay on top of everything in your life, and it shows. You present a good face to the world. You are detail oriented and meticulous. It bothers you to let anything slide. You sometimes end up picking up the slack for other people, but you don't really mind. You like being responsible. You are extremely independent and competent. The world would be a better place if more people were like you. The Gourd Test

  • Your Sensuality Score is: 100% You taste, smell, feel, see, and hear more strongly than most people. Even the smallest sensual act can be quite divine for you. You are a hedonist. You like to experience it all... whether it's food, art, music, or sex. If you're not careful, you're apt to overindulge or get addicted to a certain pleasure. How Sensual Are You?

  • Your Mind is PG-13 Rated Your mind is definitely a little dirty. You're naughty, but not trashy. You don't shy away from a dirty joke, and you're clearly not a prude. Do You Have a Dirty Mind?

  • Take a deep breath and simply go up and ask her out.....Good luck.

  • You Are a Summer Tree summer-tree.png You are constantly buzzing with excitement. You love being a part of the world. You're very social, and you usually aren't far from your friends and family. You enjoy the good times while they last. You savor every sweet moment. You know that things eventually change, but you wish they could be like this forever. What Season Tree Are You?

  • Your attitude towards your emotions is a healthy one. You aren't ashamed to let your emotions show occasionally, and you will undoubtedly be much healthier because of this attitude. You are likely to be a good social advisor. Emotions Test

  • You Are Smart You are a total brainiac. Ideas and facts interest you, and you're always eager to learn more. You don't just have a head for facts - you're also very wise. You know how to approach problems logically. You have trouble getting along with anyone who is happily ignorant. You think everyone should able to each and to be taught. You connect best with fellow intellectuals, eggheads, and nerds. You're happily surprised to meet someone who knows more about a subject than you do. The Paint…

  • You Are iPod nano You are a modern person, and you find new technologies to be fascinating. You are artistic and colorful. You love finding new ways to express yourself. You love music, but you are a visual person as well. You can find an album cover as inspiring as a song. You are very influential. Your friends tend to like bands you listen to, and you always like to show them your latest discovery. What Kind of iPod Are You?

  • Re: The Mascot Test

    Brighteyes - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are Sweet You are as kind as can be, and you're always doing favors for your friends. You try to remember how important generosity is, even when you're feeling a bit grumpy. Like everyone else, you have obstacles to overcome in your life. You just try to keep a smiling. When you get angry, you have a rotten temper. Your anger stings, but luckily you don't get angry often. The Mascot Test

  • You Are Welcoming You have a sharp personality, and you never hesitate to say what's on your mind. You are always looking to add a little more authenticity to your life. You prefer things and people that are real. People can count on you to be generous and optimistic. You give back to your friends, family, and community. People don't realize that you're much more spontaneous than you seem. You don't get too hung up with responsibilities. The Grilled Cheese Sandwich Test

  • Your Brain is Organized You like a lot of structure in your life, and you're good at getting things in order. You have a good eye for details, and you are excellent at following difficult directions. You are a natural planner, and you always feel a bit lost if you don't have a plan drawn up. You like to have a routine and stick to it. Chaos stresses you out. What's Your Brain Like?

  • You Are Soap Bubbles You are free spirited and a heck of a lot of fun. You refuse to act your age. You can always find a chance to play a little. You bring whimsy to an otherwise boring day. It drives you crazy to be cooped up inside for too long. You need to be outdoors to be able to breathe. It's likely that you crave a nontraditional life. You have to do things your own way! What Kind of Bubbles Are You?

  • You Are Green You are laid back and quite patient. You are naturally very calm. You are an understanding person, and you believe in forgiving easily. You prefer to keep the peace. You get annoyed by pushy or aggressive people. You don't like anyone trying to dominate you. You always have time for someone genuine and friendly. You see out similarly mild mannered folks. What Color Is Your Personality?

  • The Meaning of Your Life is Joy The purpose of your life is simple: to live it to the fullest. You believe that happiness is a choice, and being happy isn't that hard to figure out. Too many people struggle in their lives. You think they should just let go and enjoy what they've been given. It's easy to find misery, but it's difficult to find happiness. You know that all the happiness you need comes from within. What Is The Meaning of Your Life?

  • You Are Glamourous You've got style, class, and panache. You have the courage to be you, and you pull it off beautifully. You love to be in the middle of the action. You need to feel alive to be inspired. You are creative and whimsical. You are interested in new ideas and art. You are flamboyant and outgoing. You are the type of person who is always "on." The Candy Bar Test

  • You Are Brainy You are a very detail oriented and precise person. You think everything through carefully. You aren't prone to dramatics, but you don't overlook what's important either. You are observant and philosophical. You seek to understand people more than judge them. You treasure your alone time. You area true introvert, and it's difficult for you to feel isolated. The Sneeze Test

  • You Judge People Based on Evidence You know better than to judge a book by its cover, and you don't make snap judgements about people either. You look at the facts, and you try to make educated choices. You never mind admitting that you're wrong. It's hard for you to trust people that you've just met. You always need to get to know people. You never go with your gut, but you may be surprised. Your intuition is probably more dead on than you realize. How Do You Judge People?

  • Re: A Bicycle Test

    Brighteyes - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Your Road is Paved with Fun You believe that life isn't about the destination - it's about the journey. And you're determined to enjoy the trip as much as you can. You try to live in the now. You ride through life at your own pace. Sometimes you're ahead of the pack, and sometimes you're at the end. No matter what, you do things your own way. You are only looking to make yourself happy. A Bicycle Test

  • Your Gemstone Says You Love Helping Others You are stable, strong, and full of life. You are an inspiring person. People turn to you first for leadership and advice. You are able to gently help people get to where they need to be. And while you aren't afraid to lead when necessary, you are never heartless or bossy. The Gemstone Test

  • Your Taste in Music Says You're Philosophical Your musical tastes are reflective and complex. You are intellectual to the point of being cerebral. You are very open to new experiences, and even more open to new ideas and theories. Wisdom and personal accomplishment are important to you. You are naturally sophisticated. You are drawn to art, especially art by independent artists. You are likely to be financially well off... and not because you were born that way. What Does Your Taste in Music Say…