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  • Quote from amando96: “What's worse than dying slowly after having car crash?” Being beheaded and not having the spinal cord cut.

  • Quote from Frosty: “Wait... You seriously think that variations in legislation between countries actually change the effect alcohol has on the body? Seriously?” dzut6u.jpg

  • Re: weird high?

    Malevolent - - Health and Fitness


    Heh. Do you use a bong or joints/blunts? And again, it's possible to get uncomfortably high and the solution is to smoke less. Uncomfortable highs is why smokers without tolerance should be careful with edibles.

  • Re: weird high?

    Malevolent - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from xapachexrosex: “ i want to know why i have such a strong reaction to marijuana” Could be a few things. The method of intake, potency of the herb, how much you smoke, low tolerance, type of weed, etc. Additionally, what you feel is subjective, and some people have found that the effect is slightly dependent on mindset. Quote from xapachexrosex: “is there a way to prevent having this type of reaction in the future?” Smoke less. It's very possible to get uncomfortably high. Quote from xa…

  • Re: Protein Powder?

    Malevolent - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Mr. Smuggles: “consuming to much protein fucks up your liver” What's your source? From what's know, and we're completely throwing anecdotal reports out of this discussion for obvious reason, it doesn't cause any liver damage. The risks come from restricting other nutrients, increased fat intake from certain meats and it worsening disorders that already exist.

  • Quote from MMMpie: “Just before I was feeling very stressed and thought I would have one to see if the old 'smoking relieves stress' myth was true, and it felt great. I'm just wondering why this is so?” No reason to be concerned. Nicotine is fairly complicated and cannot be summed up by simple stimulation or inhibition. Overall the effect of nicotine can be attributed to activation of nAChRs (nicotinic acetylcholine receptors). nAChRs -> neuronal excitation and desensitation -> synaptic block lo…

  • Hottest Fucking Sauce (Hot Sauce)

  • Re: liver damage?

    Malevolent - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Neglected: “Under the same topic - I drink Pepsi MAX which is supposedly absent of sugar, in the same quantities. I can't stomach water on it's own, makes me sick :(. Could this have the same effects as Diet Coca-Cola? Regards.” Yes, it can. Pepsi Max and Coke Light aren't much different. If you can't stomach plain water, try carbonated water with a pH level above 6.

  • Quote from Mr. Amazing: “If you want to keep your lungs healthy learn how to bake ;)” Or vape. :3

  • Quote from Top Teen Diet: “Anytime smoke is inhaled it constricts the blood vessels and limits the amount of oxygen carried by each cell to the various parts of the body. ” That's funny, because cannabis causes vasodilatation, not vasoconstriction. If you didn't know this I can't take the rest of your claims remotely serious, and I doubt anybody else can either.

  • Quote from yaboitai: “i think it stays with u for weeks depends how much water u drink” That's in urine, not blood.

  • Quote from yaboitai: “false marijuana has bad effects on ur brain” No, there are anecdotal reports that cannabis affects the brain negatively. Strong emphasis on anecdotal. That means absolutely nothing though. There are also anecdotal reports that apples cause colon cancer, and that excessive reading harms vision. These reports are unsubstantiated claims that must be researched. However, until they're research and a medically proven conclusion is drawn it's not fair to say that it's definite an…

  • Quote from Batgirl: “17 and in New South Wales.” In NSW doctors are obligated by confidentiality with patients aged 16 and older. To summarize this entire topic and to add peace of mind: THC won't be detected as they're scanning for iron levels and nothing more. If were theoretically detected your doctor couldn't tell anybody (including your parents) because confidentiality applies to you do to your being over the age of 16.

  • Quote from Batgirl: “I'm not sure if they could tell my parents about it being in there although if they did, it'd probably be one of the worst things they could do.” How old are you and what part of Australia do you live in, I could check the doctor confidentiality laws for you if you'd like.

  • Re: Normal or not?

    Malevolent - - Health and Fitness


    You're underweight. It's really not healthy. Do something about it.

  • I've found it relatively easy to pig out healthily after discovering that I outright love tomatoes. I have like 2kg of tomatoes in my fridge right now, and when I feel like pigging out I'll just eat a few. It's healthy, low in calories, and delicious. Used to have a problem when I'd go out and buy chips, chocolate, soda, etc and then eat it all in the span of 2 hours. Over 2000 calories in 2 hours, almost all from sugar and fat.

  • Quote from *Boleyn*: “a) Does it work in weight loss?” Yes. Quote from *Boleyn*: “b) What are the risks?” - Stomach can rupture - Heart failure can occur - Acid from the stomach can scar the fingers and hands - Tooth enamel can be damaged - Esophagus and salivary glands can become inflamed - Can lead to seizures - Can lead to thin bones - Can lead to irregular heartbeat - Death may occur Note that all of these are very real and very common. Quote from *Boleyn*: “c) Is it addictive?” It can be. B…

  • I will be honest because you asked for honesty: you're noticeably thin. Not grotesquely thing. Not anorexic thin. But thin enough for it to be easily noticeable. As for gaining weight, if you really want to go at it go see a dietitian/nutritionist and personal trainer. You have been cursed with an insanely fast metabolism, so it would be advisable to have a consultation with somebody trained in nutrition regarding caloric intake and nutrients. Training without eating accordingly is useless, but …

  • Inhaling combusted cannabis is far less detrimental to ones health than inhaling combusted tobacco.

  • From what I've read THC is detectable in the blood but for a shorter duration than in urine. If you're getting the blood taken as part of medical treatment then THC being detected would mean absolutely nothing, so it really doesn't matter, legally speaking, whether it's detected or not. Additionally, I suppose it depends what you're being screened for. If it's iron levels, nobody is going to be looking or caring about THC. This brings me back to the time I overdosed on benzos at school. When I w…