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  • I don't think it matters because you aren't going to tell the police, if parents find out they'll probably give you a lecture but they won't do anything regarding the police and if the police got involved, I doubt they'd do anything about it anyway.

  • Re: so has anyone heard of these bandss?

    mingle - - Music


    I've heard of.. the rocket summer brand new hellogoodbye the medic droid neversaynever scenes and sirens breathe carolina a rokcet to the moon metro station rediscover say anything playradioplay! the maine the ataris powerspace forever the sickest kids scary kids scaring kids escape the fate 3oh!3 nofx dragonforce mindless self indulgence hollywood undead jack off jill holiday parade bullet for my valentine secondhand serenade dashboard confessional Some of them I've listened to and some I just …

  • I read somewhere that it's there as more of a guideline and it's unlikely anything will be done about it. Because honestly, how many teenagers actually wait till their legal to have sex?

  • Your ex cheated on you and didn't even bother to hide it from the sound of things which just makes me think that she didn't really care much for your relationship, so why are you even asking this question? Date the sister!

  • I like the whole "I'll give you a slice" idea so then it's down to him to figure out which way you meant it.

  • Re: Abortion-

    mingle - - Debate and Discussions


    Adoption is the better way to go about it. Instead of not even giving it a chance at life, they could give it a chance at life and someone who can't have children what they've probably always wanted.

  • Re: Hitler perfume

    mingle - - Fashion


    Oh wow, how creative.

  • Ask her what she's doing, what she hobbies/interests she has, if she has any plans for the week/weekend etc.

  • Yeah, just go over to her and start up conversation. If she's alone, it'll be nice for her to have someone to talk to and it'll also show her that you were confident enough to go over to her and talk to her. And what you said to say is good as well, just start it with "Hello, my name is ____, how're you?" and the conversation will start to flow.

  • Re: Masturbating before sex

    mingle - - Teen Sexuality


    Isn't it best to masturbate before a date or something to save yourself the embarrasment of a hard-on? I wouldn't suggest doing it because it'll probably slow down the time it takes you to orgasm and it won't be as good.

  • From what you've put, it doesn't seem like you like your current boyfriend much and if you aren't happy for whatever reason in that relationship either talk to your boyfriend about it and see if you can fix it, or just leave him. And, if you do break up with him, just tell him you don't think your ready for a relationship at the moment and you just want to be friends, or something like that. As for this boy #2, if you like him and you've been friends for ages, I think you should just go for it a…

  • Re: The Kinsey Scale

    mingle - - Teen Sexuality


    I voted five. I am gay but I'd dabble with the other side if the moment came up.

  • You Are Impressionism You think the world is quite beautiful, especially if you look at it in new and interesting ways. You tend to focus on color and movement in art. For you, seeing the big picture is much more important than recording every little detail. You can find inspiration anywhere... especially from nature.

  • Re: Eating Flavored Jizz

    mingle - - Teen Sexuality


    If you eat fruit, then your cum does infact taste sweeter. But, yeah I have tried my own and I can't say it tasted amazing, but I wasn't expecting it to either. It was just out of curiousity though, never again.