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  • You Are a Bullmastiff bullmastiff.png You are confident, reasonable, and very calm. Nothing shakes you up. It's likely that you were a bit wild when you were younger, but you've gotten that out of your system. The only time you get aggressive is when someone tries to threaten or harm you in some way. There's a little bit of wolf underneath all that sheep's clothing!

  • Re: He did it!

    .Sean - - Teen Sexuality


    Holy shit. What a twat. Lets see him explain that to the kids at school.

  • He loves you right? So killing yourself is likely to fuck him up, do you really want to hurt him? The one person in your life who can make you happy?

  • If the only thing that matters to you is your boyfriend, then why hurt him by ending your own life, you may not have to live with the consequences but other people will, please don't do this, I'm not going to bombard you with Clichés but life is really worth living, you may be feeling down, maybe rock bottom, but building yourself back up would be the most satisfying thing you could ever accomplish. Please, think about it.

  • Not killing yourself would be painless. If you need help, then get professional help to work through your problems, you WILL get your life back on track with other peoples help, you're not alone in this.

  • Re: masturbation

    .Sean - - Teen Sexuality


    I can't think of many variations for women Men have plenty for some reason.

  • Re: Guys: Left of Right?

    .Sean - - Teen Sexuality


    Right mostly.

  • Re: Nice dresses..

    .Sean - - Fashion


    Dresses.. hmm. Let me check some sites real quick. There >> See what you like

  • Recently watched these two films, one word can describe both. Awesome. The concepts and plot for each film are just uncanny and sound really shit, for lack of a better word, but they are really very good films, they are so excellently directed with little things in both films which are incredibly unique and I havn't seen done before. Deathproof is about a stuntman in his 'Death Proof' car (hence the title :p) who stalks and kills groups of women in vehicular homicide, and Planet Terror is a 'spo…

  • Re: horrifying reoccuring nightmare

    .Sean - - General Advice


    Sounds scary as shit. What is it that you dream? I'm fascinated for some reason

  • Re: 3 rules.

    .Sean - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Q: Kissed someone on your top friends? True Q: Been arrested? False Q: Kissed someone you didn't like? True Q: You like someone? True Q: Held a snake? True Q: Been suspended from school? True Q: Been fired from a job? False Q: Sang karaoke? False Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? True Q: Laughed until you started crying? False Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? False Q: Kissed in the rain? False Q: Sang in the shower? True Q: Sat on a roof top? True Q: Been pushed into a pool …

  • Ooo, nice write-up +rep

  • Re: 'world' survey<3

    .Sean - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Well, they may be creepy to some, I think they are cool

  • Re: Seven Subjects.

    .Sean - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    SUBJECT ONE- THE OUTSIDE What's your name? Sean How tall are you? 5"11 What color are your eyes? Blue What color is your hair? Brunette Are you Male or Female? Male What is your best physical feature? Body What's your shoe size? 11 Glasses, yes or no? No Did you ever have braces? Yes On a typical day you are wearing? Jeans and T-shirt When you go to bed you're wearing? Loose boxers How often do you exercize? Every evening SUBJECT TWO- MUSIC Name two of your favorite bands. Bloc Party and Anberli…

  • Yes. With that kind of money I could have anyone who makes fun of me taken care of.

  • You Are 15% Left Brained, 85% Right Brained brain.jpg The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, y…

  • Re: 'world' survey<3

    .Sean - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Leprechauns are not gay!

  • You Should Call Your Boobs chest.png Gin & Vermouth Ehh, was bored xD

  • Re: 'world' survey<3

    .Sean - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1. If you could erase anything you ever said to anyone, what would it be? Something I said to my dad a few years ago, but I won't say. 2. Your stuck in a room for an hour with a chalk board, what do you draw on it? Cartoons 3. Your theme song is called? Devils Gallop (Sir Digby Chicken Caeser!) 4. If your life was a movie, what category would it be in? Film Noir 5. Something you wish to accomplish before the end of the year: Make amends with my dad 6. How much does it take to make you laugh? Not…

  • You Are roboface.jpg A Robo Pumpkin Face You would make a good pumpkin cyborg. xD