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  • Those Eyes

    Buttons - - Creative Writing


    3 part short story :) [div align='center'] Those Eyes[/div] It was over faster than our clothes could find the floor, but I barely noticed. I just wanted to look at you. Watch you suffocate me lovingly with your heated form. I’m glad we chose each other. You just stared at me long afterwards, your fingers lost in my hair, your eyes misty. Oh those eyes. They change colour when you cry. I know because I held you now. ‘Why do you have to love so hard Daniel?” I thought, as you lost consciousness w…

  • Story Banner

    Buttons - - Creative Writing


    I made this for Pernell.. I think I should stick to altering photographs but this does the trick for her story. [img src='' border='0' alt='IPB Image' /]

  • This is Addictive!!

    Buttons - - Creative Writing


    Made 2 more tonight.. [img src='' border='0' alt='IPB Image' /] [img src='' border='0' alt='IPB Image' /] Natalie Portman.

  • A New One

    Buttons - - Creative Writing


    Same beautiful actress :D I like my first one a little better though.. The colour was smoother.. [img src='' border='0' alt='IPB Image' /] Here's the original.. [a href='' target='_blank'][/a]

  • One of My First..

    Buttons - - Creative Writing


    [!--coloro:Pink--][span style='color:Pink'][!--/coloro--]This is the first I made with Paint-Shop Pro. You've probably all seen it before now anyway. [img src='' border='0' alt='IPB Image' /] It's Rachel McAdams if you didn't know. Isn't she stunning? Here's the original, [a href='' target='_blank']…

  • Blind Melody

    Buttons - - Creative Writing


    Thought I'd post up another one of my fictions even thought the attraction here is pretty low.. [div align='center']Chapter one- Touching the Tune[/div] It’s 1938, I’m wearing a pretty dress, and unlike everyone else, the only thing I liked about Daniel Radcliffe was his voice. It felt refreshing to be outside, in the crowd, with my hair swept up and my fingers in the air grasping the music, bodies brushing up against me and numerous tangy, unfamiliar scents lingering on my senses. I brought a h…

  • How Will The World End?

    Buttons - - Debate and Discussions


    Don't you think there's a chance the world will end before the sun destroys itself? Some other way perhaps? The world might still be here long after we are extinct or another race may form. Just like humans after dinosaurs..

  • Mayank's Farmhouse

    Buttons - - Teen Sexuality


    *eats whole cake and runs off with Mick's wallet*

  • Need advice

    Buttons - - General Advice


    Whatever. No one is going to slap you for coming up and being POLITE. Just talking.

  • Yes. hotmail.

  • No any mail not from my contacts goes into junk mail. It might not scan for the virus but it still won't be in my inbox.

  • Yeah. they are pretty cheap.

  • Beer?

    Buttons - - Health and Fitness


    No I'm very lucky! I've had 1 or 2 hangovers.. but usually never.

  • lmao! You can eat anytime Mick.

  • Need advice

    Buttons - - General Advice


    Don't think too hard! Go up and say hi and just be friendly and make small chat. Then ask for numbers or whatever.

  • You can get a prepaid mobile!

  • Well.. i have norton as well but if it's useless.. I'm sure someone will make a better one. I just will delete all junk email.

  • No one knows when the world is ending. And this topic could be scientific, religious or just chucking opinions around- depending on your views.

  • R U Religious

    Buttons - - Debate and Discussions


    I believe in God.

  • Why do people waste their time making viruses? Do they actually make any money or ANTYHING?? That's effing stupid.