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  • and even when a female replies.. its about mvp... thread and mvp deleted/IP banned/Machine banned/BANNED.

  • holy shit.. Can I request that a mod delete this thread?..

  • Thread failed.. Lol

  • Well, I guess it depends on when I want to cum.. I tell the girl to either speed up or slow down etc. Honestly I dont like hand-jobs that much, i prefer blowjobs

  • Friends, Girlfriends or past experiences.

  • Fuck sakes. Back to the thread.

  • uhh, anyone else?

  • So There was a thread on Screamers.. With lots of hate in it So i'm making my own Basicly, my girlfriend screams occasionally while I fuck her.. Only when its extreamly rough and good, but yeah she screams Most of the time she will moan loudly If we're in my bedroom and there are people home she will sometimes make noises and cover it up, she says she can't help it personally I think its all acting, but whatever, she makes me feel good, and in the end of a good session, she'll always comment, an…

  • Re: Anal??

    Quid - - Teen Sexuality


    Ok Well, Use a lot of lube.. and ask some gay guys for something that she can sniff before you go at it.. Im not sure what its called, but me and my girlfriend are going to try anal, and she was talking to a bisexual guy about it, and he told her there is something you can sniff that will relax all of her muscles so that when you go up her ass, it won't hurt her as much.. Not even sure if its legal.. but if it works, it works.. Hey, you asked..

  • Lol Well i'm 18 and legally aloud to buy smokes in Manitoba, Though I am from Manitoba, I am currently working for a company that got a job in Manitoba.. so anyways i met a girl who is 17, she is pretty cool, we met at the skate park by my apartment building and hung out for a couple of hours, so later on i told her i liked her a lot and wanted to take her out to Montanna's.. Anyways the next day she asks me to hang out with her and her friend (who i met the day i met her) Her friend just kept a…

  • I'm the same way I just feel more comfortable if a girl talks to me first. I just feel like i'm bugging people if I talk to them first. (though they tell me i dont bug them, it still feels that way) I'm the kind of person to just stay out of everyones way and watch whats going on arounfd me. So.. Talk to him. show interest. He won't ask you out until you confess that you like him first, Again, i'm the same way, well I was anyways, last 2 girlfriends I've had I actually just went through with it.…

  • well like everyone said above Just tell her. I would personally tell her I love her, but the bush has got to go

  • Re: Being watched.

    Quid - - Teen Sexuality


    Ive never been watched, but ive had fantasies about people watching (one person - a crowd) Just never had a chance to do it

  • While driving, and also in the back seat of a car while it was moving..

  • There was a thread that asked the most random place you have masterbated How about the most random place you have fucked? For me.. In my car, in the parking lot of a high school (actually honestly, there have been a couple times in my car, in different high schools parking lots)

  • Re: World of Warcraft... Anyone?

    Quid - - Video Games


    I dont find the game addicting, I only play when I have nothing better to do On weekdays when I work, I have to wait for a phone call before I go to work, so I have plenty of time, and then by the time I get in its too late to go out, so i'll play while chatting on msn, on the phone etc. Anyways the game "really starts" at level 80 (now).. I really only check mail, farm mats for things and raid when I get the chance

  • Re: threesome or +

    Quid - - Teen Sexuality


    yeah i'll do it actually me and my current girlfriend have agree'd that if we find the right girl for it, we'll invite her and vice-versa So basicly, it'll happen for me either way I have no problems with another guy being tossed in, however i wouldn't do anything with him More than 3, bring it on, the more there are, the more fun!

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Quid - - Teen Sexuality


    hi-5 back

  • Lol ok, in grade 6/7 (cant remember) i had to explain what an orgasm for a girl was to a friend My answer "its when the chick feels so much pleasure, she has to scream or she will.. you know.. explode" anyways I can explain the word orgasm in one word now "Amazing"

  • Quote from jordan912003: “Why should I look out for girls that ask me how my day went, etc. Is that a look out as in "try to find them" or "watch out"?” I mean, keep your eyes open.. If a girl engages you in conversation often, she's interested, unless you have already established that you are friends Is that right girls? this is my take on it, so let me know if i'm wrong