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  • Well you are!!! My crushes r driving me crazy....

  • I think each individual girl and situation should be able to make it's own decision. All I know I I could never live with myself If I aborted, but if u can, then it's not my problem. It's theirs. To me, if you can't take care of it, and you don't want to, the baby would have a crappy life anyway, so... Yeah. I think it's up to the girl and the situation at hand. I would NEVER do it.

  • Quote from jewfro: “i would freak out. cause ima guy.” That just made me laugh lol I would probably either abort but probably not, or o would let someone foster it until I was old enough to take care of it. I would visit everyday tho.

  • Im 13, so it won't be happening soon, but if it did, I'd either abort(but probably not) or I'd have it and use adoption until I was old enough or stay close to the family or somthin... I would never just give it away, but it would have to b a special situation to use abortion, cuz I think opts just WRONG. ---------- Post added at 10:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 PM ---------- Quote from Nina2004: “I would never consider abortion, even if that meant my death. For me killing someone …

  • Umm... Idk... But yeah... another topic completlely, but along with flirting, I need more confidence... I'm told that's y I can't flirt, cuz I kind of sink onto my shell when I'm around a guy....

  • Hmmmm... I think she probably does have a thing with him, if they went together... But if they don't it's probably likely that he asked her or something and she said yes for pity or something, and she likes you more. Either way she likes you if she asked you too dance! Good luck dude

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “Mostly the friends giggling when you two are together. That's super key. It's pretty much the ace of spades.” I agree without this ^ if her friends were giggling like u described that means she told them she likes you, I would know, me and my friends have that situation ALL the time.... Good luck dude

  • Thankyou kevmo!! Lol I think you and gooeyswAt are the best advice givers ever!! Thts probley y ur support leaders haha

  • More info plzzzzzz? Then it'll be easier to help! Y did u break up with him?? Does he still like you? Ur 2 main options r get over it, or fix it.. But thts pretty obvious haha

  • Do whatever you want, and don't listen to anyone else. If it is meant to work it will, and if it wasn't, it won't!! So let it play out and don't let anyone else get in the way!! Oh yeah and me being a grammar freak... Marriage, not mirage... I'm pretty sure u don't want a vision of a lake in a dry desert.. That would b mirage... Marriage is the ceremony.. Just a tidbit of info!! Good luck with whatever life brings you!! And remember if it doesn't end up working out there is always someone who it…

  • Hmmm.. That's a toughie.. You have the same problem I do only a bit different... I'm gonna watch this thread cuz it can help me too... Btw ur signature made me laugh I can't help much here but I wish you luck!!!!

  • Gooeyswat, thx!! Thts exactly what I said except put into better words!! Ur good at that haha. But yeah I'm kind of just ashamed of what people think of me... I try not to be, I say I'm not gonna, but then it ends up that every decision I make is based off someone else... Mabye I need a new thread fornadvice about tht... But back on subject... I know I need to try to be friends with him.. But I'm really selfconcious... So I don't really know how I would approach him without, like, freezing and m…

  • Green and white tee with the supermario bros life mushroom and it says get a life haha

  • Re: how often do you...

    Yellowbear09 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from autumnleaf: “Is it weird that I don't want to do it to anyone, ever? I just don't ever want to have something like that in my mouth!!!” I feel the EXACT SAME WAY! Personally I think it's really gross... I've never tried anyway, and couldn't even if I wanted to (im single) but it just seems gross... I can honestly say tho I'd b a little open to being eaten out, but just... Ewww... Lol and I never want to taste cum... I guess I'm wierd haha:lolz: jk but yeah

  • Re: What attracts you!

    Yellowbear09 - - Teen Sexuality


    Mine is really... Weird... But yeah... I like a guy who's not too thin, but also doesn't have huge muscles... Personally I think bulging muscles look like deformities,..... Thts just me... I usually like guys who have kind of a Teddy bear like apperance. Tee hee! I like a guy who has enough chub to make him look huggable!!! I don't like em huge, trust me, but I don't like stick thin either... As for other looks... I like most hair styles.. My favorites are probably the Justin Beiber and like lon…

  • You guys all say that having sex could ruin their friendship... But have u ever thought haabout what these feelings could do in the long run?? If you guys keep feeling like you want to do it, you eventually will, otherwise you're just gonna have to stop being with each other, because it could become really annoying!! Your bodys will get the best of your minds after a while!!! I say just talk about it!!! Tell ur best friend what you told us, and they'll understand!!!! But judging by what you told…

  • Plzzzzzz help!!!!!!

  • Try to shorten that up a bit, and mabye I'll bother reading it... I'm in 14... Just a bit of advice, if you want ppl to read an comment here, try not to make things too long.... :blush:

  • Yeah. I say just continue hanging out and try to show you you won't hurt her and then just let time prevail!! Lol good luck to u!!

  • It needs to be subtle cuz if anyone else finds out I'll b a laughingstock.... So he has to kinda figure it out and start thinking about it...