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  • Re: What am I?

    DeepWater - - LGBT


    In the end only you decide what you are but I're normal. It's not abnormal to see people of the same sex and opposite sex attractive but the fact that you got horny by looking at him may indicate that you have an underlying curiosity or your hormones are just raging lol

  • oh gee, my personal opinion is you don't need to shave it but since most guys see it as a right of passage kinda thing I guess I understand. First off, don't make the mistake I made my first time: Don't just go in and start shaving everything off! There's an order to this. Like Jacob above said, Trim the hair down using a comb and an electric razor or shears Take a shower to soften your hair follicles with hot water After that get some shaving cream (a generous amount)...don't use soap Then shav…

  • Re: Do Girls Like Virgins?

    DeepWater - - Teen Sexuality


    i think virginity strikes different emotions in different settings with different ppl.... meaning: most virgin girls I know want a virgin guy (that's kind of expected) most experienced girls don't really want to have to "teach" a guy what to do. Then there becomes a major difference in opinion when you move from high school to college. If you haven't had sex by college (which IS or haven't been kissed most girls find that a turn-off but other girls who are in the same situation wou…

  • haha, this has definitely happened to me before except my mother was actually looking for something of hers in my room instead of cleaning it. When I got home all my stuff was moved around so she had to see my sock and blanket i use and if she did she didn't mention it. Although a week after that my parents bought me condoms and were like if your going to have sex you should at least be protected and that was our "sex" talk! I tried to tell them I wasn't having sex at all and that I didn't want …

  • Re: stumped

    DeepWater - - LGBT


    poor guy, the best thing to do is focus your energy on one of them. Don't only take notice to how they look or their sex appeal but think of if they're going to be there for you in the time of need. Once you figure out who will, then go from there. Hang out with them more and be open and hopefully they will develop more feelings toward you but if not, then you'll have to move on

  • Re: Is Sperm Healthy?

    DeepWater - - Teen Sexuality


    Sperm only comprises about 10% of cum but the other 90% is the seminal fluid that the sperm thrives in The sperm itself has no nutritional value but the seminal fluid contains many vitamins and minerals As far as the taste goes...not so tasty but supposedly eating lots of fruits enhances the taste check out this site: ---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ---------- oops not that site lol this one: Is Drinki…

  • Re: veins visible on the penis..

    DeepWater - - Puberty


    no need to worry! even your penis needs bloodflow it's how you get an erection

  • There's tons of girls in the US who like asian guys. Just be fun and open!

  • I always like it when girls are straight forward with me but some guys don't. One girl that I know who's interested in me once asked me what kind of girls I liked (instead of asking the obvious question of do I like her) and I responded by describing her in a way. Then I called her up to hang out with her every now and then. The key to dating is starting slow. Try to hang out with the person in a social setting. Invite them to lunch and gradually get more serious....movies, park, home. If the gu…

  • I think he's being sincere, I mean if he can wait for 16 months out of respect for you then why would he just try to set you up to get in ur pants. Don't be so cynical, he really wants to make things work with you and it seems he's tryna be very attentive to your needs by taking things slowly.

  • I think that initially it will be awkward because of all the anticipation that has gone into this meeting; however, if you two really do click then the strangeness of the matter will die down My advice to you is just to be natural and be yourself...I always find it easier to talk to ppl. behind a barrier such as a computer but the important thing to remember is that your feelings for her are genuine. Remind her of those feelings and elaborate on things you two have talked about in your phone/web…

  • You're exes have definitely done you wrong in the past and their not deserving of you but you shouldn't let their lies and what they've done to you define your life. I too have once set up walls because I was depressed about loosing my last gf and I decided that I didn't want to date anyone that wasn't like her. My big mistake was limiting myself to certain ppl. and I eventually missed out on a couple of ppl. that were actually genuine with their feelings. I think that you should be more open re…

  • Did you get over your ex or do u still love him/her? I'll always lover her but I'm over being with her Are you currently dating someone? Nope would you date your ex again? Yes How many people have you had sex with? zero did you love every single one you had sex with? yes lol are you still a virgin? Yes how many times have you been in love? Once how many boy/girlfriends have you had? 3 is there an ex girl/boyfriend you cant stop thinking about? No do u like tall guys(girls)/short girls(guys)? tal…

  • If you could live in any other place, where & why? California or Australia, they have the best beaches!! What animal best represents you & why? Koala because koalas are rather dool, passive, and loveable creatures What is the craziest thing you ever did? I wouldn't wanna get banned from TH, so i'm not going there! jk lol umm...i can't think of anything right now If you could meet anyone, who would it be & why? Henry David Thoreau or Thomas Jefferson or Jessie Owens Thoreau and Jefferson because …

  • well maybe she could invite you over for dinner or something and you could meet and talk with them and they'll see how much of a great guy you are you just have to come around her family often and if all else fails at least u only have to wait for a year

  • i shower twice a day and shampoo every other day, condition everyday but I hardly have any hair lol

  • watched a movie with hugh jackman and paused it as he was it took me hrs. to finish the movie, but i've seen it so many times anyway

  • No that's not over doing it but you're actually not going to get the results you need To obtain abs you have to use techniques that isolate and exercise the abdominal muscles running although its very healthy and will help shed pounds will not give you great abs You need to establish an ab workout (10-15) minutes a day resting on weekends and that will be more than enough time a day to do this so the main exercises that work out ur abs are: 1. bicycles where you make cyclical motions with you le…

  • Re: hole

    DeepWater - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    usually when i have a sense of emptiness it's because i'm lonely and my self-esteem is low. What I usually do is think of all the things in your life that have meaning or make you happy and then surround yourself with those things, this feeling will pass as long as you don't wallow in the hole

  • aww i feel bad for you unfortunately there's not too much you can do about since he's made up his mind that he's going to stay with someone who cheats on him. I think the best thing you can do is continue to be a good friend. Be there for him even though you don't agree with their relationship. Hopefully one day he'll realize that his real treasure has been there for him for three years