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  • Re: wtf is wrong with me?

    Adramlech - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from freckles.: “"and i hate gay ppl" What a dick. ” Quote from ihaveadog: “sorry if i offended you i did not mean that in a derogatory way” I hate people who hate homophobes. On topic I can only hope you are able to suppress how you feel for your own sake, it's possible to suppress but alot of people probably don't try, good luck.

  • Re: is this wrong?

    Adramlech - - Teen Sexuality


    I don't see a problem personally, but the law does, just stick to the 30 year olds pretending to be 18 mate.

  • Everyone has a right to judge.

  • A great alternative would be a man. It's an unorthodox method of masturbating but if it gets you off, why not, it's not crazy atleast.

  • Re: Contraception

    Adramlech - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from JesusSaves04: “so you're saying that non-christians shouldn't care about murder? abortion is murder. there's no other way to put it.” Not all cases of murder are bad and abortion is NOT murder because it takes 24 weeks for a baby ( 22 is debatable ) to actually form or feel.

  • Re: Contraception

    Adramlech - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from YeahWhatever: “Sweetie, it's called "sarcasm".” That did not come across as sarcasm at all. Quote from YeahWhatever: “ It's unrealistic because you're not thinking of how the belief that babies are "unwanted burdens" and a "waste of space" would affect our country if more people believed in it. If you're going to debate about real-life topics like abortion, gay marriage, etc. then you have to think of the consequences of what you believe. You can't just say, "Babies suck because I sai…

  • When I attended college we had a wide selection of annoying assholes. The Pakistani cunts who love to block hallways and even though they live in our country, still speak urdu and try insult you if the oppertunity arises. Goths, typical really, they stay in the common room whenever they are not in lessons and play music, they don't cause a fuss. Emo kids hang with the goths. Chavs don't make it to college generally, but the ones who do are scarce and have learnt not to be such dicks and hang aro…

  • Re: Positions

    Adramlech - - Teen Sexuality


    During 69's pleasure you wouldnt have time to feel exposed heheh, it's definetly worthwhile to try, just be sure you keep focusing on your man.

  • Re: got jumped

    Adramlech - - General Advice


    Problem is in the UK any weapon is illegal, hell, they don't even like it when we win a fight in self defence, you have to run at the "first oppertunity" Bitch gonna start a fight with me I'll bring the pain

  • I wouldnt say it's as bad as full cousin, but still wouldnt advise it.

  • wallpaperuh7.png I reduced the size.

  • Re: question for girls

    Adramlech - - Teen Sexuality


    Anal probe at Ann Summers is good.

  • I don't see where the problem is, all they can say is "We disagree" and perhaps "Dont see him again" do you actually care?

  • Re: Positions

    Adramlech - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Becci.08: “Whats missionary and 69? i thought 69er was doggy style?” Missionary is original sex position, lay down, man on top. 69'er is woman or man on top giving each other oral.

  • Re: got jumped

    Adramlech - - General Advice


    Tell the police, carry a knife.

  • A person you've fucked?

  • Quote from onyxeyes: “I think anything under 21 is too young to get married, and even that is pushing. People at the age are not even entirely fully mentally developed yet and wouldn't be able to handle such a mature thing as marriage. It also depends on how long the couple has been together. Speaking of which, how long have you been with your girlfriend?” Agreed.

  • Re: Contraception

    Adramlech - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from YeahWhatever: “"Many" being everyone BUT your mom? *sigh*” Do you even understand English? I said many, you obviously don't understand what many means or your just plain stupid. Quote from YeahWhatever: “ Actually, no. My argument still stands. Your arguments are based on untolerant and unrealistic "points" that no one besides you and maybe a handful of other people would agree with. I know plenty of people who have actually had abortions, and never have I heard one of them refer to a…

  • Re: Which Kind of Bra?

    Adramlech - - Fashion


    I can see boob tape being hawt.

  • Oral is not sex. Penetration of the vagina/ass is. Oral is either fellacio or cunnilingus.