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  • Do it if you want to, why should someone else decide for you. Jesus, if you are debating over something so frivolous, what will you do when you have to answer the more tough questions in life? Just try it, if you don't like it, it grows back like effin magic!

  • Re: Incest Poll

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    I find this thread laughable. In my opinion, molestation of family members is not as uncommon as some may think. Children do not understand what is going on at the time it is taking place. Some just think it is playful, the molester may tell them it is fun or normal. Many black out that part of their lives because they do not want to remember it. They do not want to acknowledge it's occurrence. What I am saying is, making a thread on a website for young people who are still developing mentally a…

  • Re: Shaving, Trimming, Waxing

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    Visit a dermatologist. Best advice I can give.

  • Re: vag scent

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    I love burying my face in my gf's crotch and just huff away! Such a sexual high. Especially when she just gets wet from being around me that she soaks her jeans. Soo effin' hot.

  • Re: Painful sex

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    bareback.jpg I hope you ain't ridin' bareback cowgirl! Even so it is best you get checked out after each partner. This advice is not just for the female population, males should as well. Be responsible people. As for OPs 'problem' -- sounds like some people need to learn the fine art of foreplay. It allows for the natural lube to start flowing and the vagina and cervix get ready for the act. I am not a sexpert.

  • Quote from xxjulyxx: “ 2-3 mins is not gonna please a woman XD” Haha! What? I do believe there are different ways to please a woman other than through sexual intercourse. However, I am effing crazy. funny-pictures-crazy-recluse-cat.jpg

  • Re: Boys do you shave?

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    I shave, it's fun to watch my girl deepthroat me without having hairs tickling her face. If she likes it, it's cool. Plus, it just seems easier to clean my cock n' balls. 1849252287_408143a6c6.jpg Haha! Past two posts featuring a certain bear. Is that a win?

  • Re: ever use the waistband?

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    I whip it out and rub one off.

  • Re: Weird...?

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    i-lol-d.jpg Yeah, I'm an asshole. Let's break this down: -Four days -13 y.o. -"love" - Quote from .Jake: “ before we break up (which won't be until the day one of us dies, I think)).” >> closer Quote from .Jake: “(which won't be until the day one of us dies, I think)).” >>Closer Quote from .Jake: “the day one of us dies, I think)).” >>There it is HAHA! Quote from .Jake: “I think)).”

  • Quote from mareenah: “yeah it's fun, but boring sometimes. my boyfriend can't cum from a handjob. so I do it when we can't do something else (because sis is in the other room, for example )” That's it! Listen to the, umm "bear." HAHA!

  • Re: Has ur GF ever squirt...

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality



  • Eight or nine years old. A9738~Attack-Of-The-50-Foot-Woman-Posters.jpg

  • I had to post in this thread again because it is too childish. You guys need to stop corresponding to each other through this communication medium and talk face to face. If you can't even do that, in my opinion, you cannot possibly fathom "Love" perhaps it is infatuation?

  • Re: which would you do to me

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    With a fucking sledge hammer to the teeth! Advice_dog_system_32.jpg

  • You must do the mating ritual/dance. Sorry, you must find that out on your own. No one can tell you how it is done. I can give you a hint though. It requires, water balloons, a meat hook, three pages out of any Webster's dictionary, ???. Now profit! I discovered it when I was 40-years-young. I am in a happily failing relationship now. 2_thumbs_up_by_NestR.jpg Good Luck OP!

  • Quote from Doughnut: “Okay, this is quite unusual 'coz it's usually the guys who wanna' have sex” Sexist remark, is sexist.

  • Re: 2 questions

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    Insecure questions are insecure. Secure them immediately! yo-dawg-baking-700.jpg

  • Re: 2 questions

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    Questions of insecurity are insecure. Secure them immediately! yo-dawg-baking-700.jpg

  • Re: Which one is normal

    Firewall - - Teen Sexuality


    No standard. Fortunately not unfortunately. Everyone does it for their own reasons. I do it two to three times a day. 14-21 times in an average week. May have to do with gf being away for three months. I'm a male.

  • Did someone mention CP? jean-luc-picard.jpg Homosexuality is a lifestyle. Everyone has potential. Scientists have recently discovered a white dwarf star made entirely out of carbon. It's size is estimated at over 100 trillion billion billion carats! I have many many many paraphilias. Pedophilia is a fetish, same with Androphilia- sexual attraction to to men, Gynephilia- sexual attraction to women, Teleiophilia- sexual interest in adults, Ephebophilia- Sexual attraction towards individuals in mid…