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  • Quote from xNerRadx: “Like I said, it's dangerous. At least by it being illegal, you don't have as many people walking the streets as high as a kite. There is nothing in our constitution that states that smoking weed is a given right. So what does freedom have to do with smoking weed?” ROFL. Are you kidding me? I bet you there are more than you think, you just can't tell they are high. Which is a very easy thing to do, mind you. ---------- Post added at 10:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 1…

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “On second thought smoking in the privacy of your own home would be fine. But then there is the issue of the safety of children. You can be in the same room as someone smoking weed and get high. A child shouldn't be exposed to that. So how could that be controlled? I think it would be a positive thing. But, no I wouldn't want it banned (even though I don't drink or plan on drinking). Alcohol isn't something used just for recreation anymore. Alcohol has become a traditional c…

  • In an electric wheel chair.

  • Re: Got advice?

    Saradactyl - - LGBT


    There is no way of knowing whether or not you like women unless you have had some experience with women outside of the internet.

  • You Have a Punk Soul Even if you don't look particularly punk, deep down you're a rebel. You stay true to your values, and you refuse to sell out. Your taste tends to be unique and indie. You never follow the mainstream. You have a few political causes you feel strongly about, but you prefer to work outside the system.

  • Quote from DamnImGood: “Because of xNerRadx, this is the most ridiculous thread in the D&D section.” ^This. And I actually wanted a civilized, intelligent debate. And I barely ever post here too..

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “Sorry but your no longer worth my time. It's pointless to try and argue a point on a forum with someone who has reading comprehension problems. I suggest you pay attention in school the next time you go. Education is important. Smoking pot under the staircase is not. Have a nice life:) ---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 AM ---------- No not really. I only addressed the fact that you were attacking me.” Wait.. please read through the thre…

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “I don't mind being attacked. Like I said, it's an ego boost. Haters are always a good thing. It's a sign your doing something right. lol ” So you are saying I was right?

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “The only reason why I'm getting negative BS thrown in my face, is because I'm right. You're mad that I have the ability to make mature, SMART decisions. And when you grow up to be big little girls and boys, you'll too learn how to make smart decisions. ” You were the one who attacked me first, sir. I just wanted an intelligent, civilized debate.

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “Everyone is different. And for those thrill seekers or people just trying to escape the stress of life, marijuana IS a gateway drug. Marijuana produces a euphoric effect and when people wish to get a deeper experience, they'll turn to other drugs. Just because you don't want to do cocaine, doesn't mean anyone else won't.” All I can really do is repeat myself on this one. But wouldn't you say it could work vice versa?

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “please learn how to read.”

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “ I also know this kid who started out smoked weed and graduated to heavier stuff like cocaine. ANOTHER negative effect of weed.” Marijuana does not cause people to use hard drugs. What the gateway theory presents as a causal explanation is a statistic association between common and uncommon drugs, an association that changes over time as different drugs increase and decrease in prevalence. Marijuana is the most popular illegal drug in the United States today. So, people who…

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “I see your smoking right now. Nice!” Hah. At least I am still aware of what is going on in this thread, which is more than I can say for you. Either way, you aren't even making any legit arguments.. just bashing. Maybe try backing up some of your arguments with information, darling. Let's quit bringing snide remarks into an intelligent debate, sha'll we.. it just makes us seem rather childish.

  • Quote from xNerRadx: “You my friend, are the ignorant one if you think weed is a good thing. You're obviously a pothead yourself. Go do some research and then come back. Marijuana, like cigarettes causes cancer. Sometimes it contains more cancer causing chemicals than cigarettes. And at least when you smoke cigarettes, your not killing brain cells. And even though smoking cigarettes endanger other peoples lives, weed does it in more ways. Are you getting the point? They aren't good for. Or anyon…

  • Oh, and fyi, in 1995 research editors of the British medical journal Lancet concluded that "the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health." this was based on 30 years of research.

  • Quote from Journal: “No. Weed is bad for the sperm count, which isn't necessarily a bad thing considering humanity is well, stupid, but it's also bad for the lungs and some parts of the brain. It's also bad for your blood pressure, sodium levels, and so on because it makes you want to eat so much. Plus, it makes you like "Whoaaa maaan" so it'd be bad for people in public places. If you get super stoned and drive, it's pretty much a guaranteed wreck if going somewhere with other actual cars on it…

  • You Are a Flirting Genius You are an amazing flirt. You know how to charm almost anyone. You've got the moves and words down. You are both witty and charming. You know how to flirt when the time is right, but you also know when to hold back. You rarely send the wrong signals. You have your flirting under precision control.

  • Chocolate does no such thing for me.

  • Re: skype

    Saradactyl - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from zack81: “isnt this kinda stuff looked down upon on this site…partners-not-allowed.html” Damn straight, it is.

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    Saradactyl - - Music


    Venus Blue by Acid Bath [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]