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  • hi I'm 13 and I wanna know what rib cage size is normal for my age. Do I have a large rib cage a normal one or a small one? Right now it's around 26 inches. And the most girls in my class have very small rib cages and everytime I stand next to them I feel so fat. (Btw with rib cage I mean under the breasts)

  • Hi i have normal weight for my height and my waist is 26 inches. Though I have normal weight I dont really have a flat stomach. I really want a body like Kendall jenner (ik she is underweight but I want her body just the healthier version <3). I want to lose 3 inches from my waist and get a flatter stomach. Do you have some tips? How did you do it?

  • Hey, I want to buy a cat but I can't decide which one I should take. The one left is male and the other one is female. The other ones that are covered in blue are already sold. Please tell me which one you think is prettier and I should take. thank you

  • I feel like my rib cage is so big. I measured 27 inches (I measured it under my breasts). Is that very big is that normal is that small? (Doesnt feel like it small so I dont think it is) I'm 14 my height is 5'4 and my weight is 116 pounds.

  • Quote from karaa: “Well exercise liking walking and swimming, drink lots of water, don’t eat junk… but why? Your body sounds great ” thank you I will try to do more exercising and to drink more. And I just dont feel comfortable in my body to be honest I feel fat and I dont like my body shape. I really want a smaller waist like some models so I can feel more beautiful

  • Quote from BlackParadePixie: “why do you want a smaller waist? ” dont know I just feel like a square right now.

  • Hey, I'm a 14 year old girl and I want to lose some weight and get a smaller waist. I have a normal bmi but is it even possible to get a smaller waist though you have normal weight? Btw my waist size is 70cm my weight is 52,8 kg and my height is 164cm. I want my waist to have 60cm and I want to lose 4 Kg. Do you have some tips?

  • nothing. I just saw that there was a topic for music so I thought maybe I wrote under the wrong topic and more poeple can help me here.

  • Do you have some tips? And how long will it take till I can sing like some really good professional singer? Right now my voice isnt very good but also not that bad like I can sing in tune and I dont sound like some dying chicken haha.

  • Hi, does someone have some advices and tips? I really want to learn to sing and right now I'm not a good singer but also not a bad singer. For example I can sing in tune and dont sound like some dying chicken. Please give me some tips when you are a good singer and dont tell me to take voice lessons because I sadly cant afford them. Thank you.

  • Do you believe in Glow Ups?

    Noah S - - Puberty


    I hate myself and I feel so fucking ugly is there any chance that I will get prettier? I'm 14 btw and a girl

  • is that normal? Do many girl do that? It like really turns me on to imagine that I get pregnant and become a teen mom.