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  • the only therapy ive had is when i had to go to a shrink cuz i wasnt going to school, it was boring so i stopped going to that too, ecspecially when they asked if i ever considered harming myself... i think i nearly fell over on my way out cuz there question was a bit humouress considering the kind of person i am...

  • {spoilers..? maybe for some} hii I was recently drawing an oekaki of Ulquiorra [bleach character] (for those who dont no him, he is the 4th ranking espada in Aizens Army...) and i was also listening to music, (shuffle ftw) when the song "Famous Last Words" by My Chemical Romance came up, i was thinking that that song really suited with Ulquiorra's personality and characteristics. And i was just wondering if any of you agree, and if you have any other songs that would suit with him... :cool: thx.…

  • 7/10 Life on Mars

  • Re: Any1 like MCR, opinions plz.....

    Madzter13 - - Music


    Quote from Owen: “If all you're going to do is attack other members, I'm going to close the thread. This is getting ridiculous.” umm, can you close this thread plz, i dont like how some of em are being rude, especially since their not listening and i fully respect peoples opinions on them, as you can read at above posts^....

  • kk thx every1, ill keeps my eyes out when im out... --Madz xx

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Madzter13 - - Teen Sexuality



  • nah, my mum dont really care, i mean she cares for our safety and all but she doesn't give curfews or anything.... normally she wants us all out of the house ... --Madz

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Madzter13 - - Teen Sexuality



  • used to use internet explorer now i use Firefox...

  • Re: What systems do you own?

    Madzter13 - - Video Games


    ps1, ps2, ps3<<recently sold psp, n64, wii, NES, DS, game boy color<<broke.... >:( game boy advance Sp, and a computer...XD --Madz

  • Re: Any1 like MCR, opinions plz.....

    Madzter13 - - Music


    Quote from Dezer: “Music for depressed 14 year olds.” are you saying only depressed teenage girls listen to them....???

  • Re: Any1 like MCR, opinions plz.....

    Madzter13 - - Music


    Quote from Pickles: “No, I hate them. They sold out for one thing..the black parade was awful..before that they had a few decent songs. They are just mass produced rubbish that feeds on the angst of 13 year old girls.” umm, ok....

  • Re: Any1 like MCR, opinions plz.....

    Madzter13 - - Music


    Quote from Aannddyy: “Valid arguments about what? This is a thread about opinions, there's no use debating in here when the question being asked is a question that comes down to the individual and what taste of music they might have. People listen to music that you don't like believe it or not, you're going to have to deal with it. If a friend of mine came up to me today and said "I listen to My Chemical Romance" I wouldn't have a problem with that, you don't have to be so judgmental and give so…

  • Quote from xxjulyxx: “lolll” whats so funni, also why are you LOL'ing on most of the posts i make??? --Madz :confused:

  • What's the worst thing I could say? Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight (&.........) Can we pretend to leave and then We'll meet again When both our cars collide? Helena -- My Chemical Romance --Madz

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Madzter13 - - Teen Sexuality


    pass... just jking... hugg

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Madzter13 - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Any1 like MCR, opinions plz.....

    Madzter13 - - Music


    Quote from jaco123: “i know i was just stating that most people believe that they are emo, i never accused you of calling them emo. also the one that is sponsored by epiphone, Ray toro, is an exceptionally good guitarist, i think he has more talent then the band” i didnt mean it like that, i know you never accused me of calling them emo, i was actually agreeing with you just by stateing that id already mentioned that ,LOL, and ray is a really good guitarist... Quote from xxjulyxx: “uhm yeah. it …

  • Re: Any1 like MCR, opinions plz.....

    Madzter13 - - Music


    Quote from jaco123: “i hate how everybody calls them emo when their lead singer insists taht they are not. They have a good guitarist, i cant stand the look of the gerard way and their fans seem really weird.” i stated b4 that hey said they weren't emo, they dislike being labeled that, by good guitarist do you mean Ray Toro, the one with the Afro or Frank Iero, the one with the tats?? HEY!, im a fan, and im not weird (much....) LOL --Madz:lol:

  • Re: Any1 like MCR, opinions plz.....

    Madzter13 - - Music


    Quote from xSTYGx: “I just have no love for the band, the music, their image or their fans. It's cool that they're sticking to their guns and not giving a shit about what people say, but after being bottled on stage more than once, and other bands and artists openly trashing them you'd think they'd start to take a hint.” kk, i respect what ur saying... --Madz