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  • grey :]

  • Your Personality Is Like Alcohol You're the life of the party, a total flirt, and probably a pretty big jokester. Sometimes your behavior gets you in trouble, but you still remain socially acceptable. You're a pretty bad driver, and you're dancing could also use a little work! At your best: You are uninhibited, funny, and relaxed. What people like about being around you: You're friendly, welcoming, and easy to talk to. What people dislike about being around you: You're a little sloppy and carele…

  • You Are iPod classic You are a true music lover, and probably a true movie lover as well. Your iPod doesn't need all the bells and whistles. It needs a lot of storage. You want to have your whole music library at your fingertips. You are an expert in choosing the right mood music. It's likely that your friends are always asking you for new playlists. You have great taste in music.

  • Are you in a relationship? Not anymore How long has your longest relationship lasted? Uhhh 7 or 8 months Who was the last person you kissed? Chips (tom) Is there anyone special on your mind right now? I guess Who was your last text from? Becky Are you close with your family? Nope Why did you last cry? Cant remember Are you currently attending school? I am Do you have more then one best friend? Sure Do you want kids one day? Way in the future yeah What makes you smile, even when you are down? Fri…

  • Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you? Yeah Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? Yup Are you currently frustrated with a boy or girl? Kinda yeah What annoys you the most? A shit load of things tbh Have you talked to your ex today? Nope Which is worse, missing someone or not having some one to miss? Not having someone to miss Hows your relationship between yourself and your parents? Pretty rocky Can you commit to one person? Of course How many texts are currently in …

  • Your Brain is Logical You are a very facts and figures oriented person. You don't get clouded by emotion. You like to understand how things work, and you're always collecting data of some sort. You are a critical thinker. You are look at all the facts before you make a decision. You aren't likely to change your mind once it's made up, but new facts could sway you - emotional appeals could not.

  • You Are a Buttered Popcorn Jelly Bean You are a warm and welcoming person. You enjoy having a large circle of friends. You love to entertain and be entertained. You believe that life should be celebrated. While you are likable and popular, there’s always a few people who just don’t get you. You don’t take being disliked personally. You know you aren’t to everyone’s taste.

  • Re: Bullet for my valentine

    UnluckyCharms - - Music


    Haha awesome, where are you seeing them? I'm reaaally looking forward to it :p

  • Bullet for my valentine

    UnluckyCharms - - Music


    Going to see them in december with BMTH n Atreyu supporting, I cant waitttt Theres probably been a thread for this but ah well, so what bands are you looking forward to seeing and what are the best bands you have seen?

  • Re: The Eye Test

    UnluckyCharms - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Deep Down You Are Eccentric You're the type of person who has unusual interests, beliefs, and practices. You've always been a bit of a weirdo. You don't care much for rules or tradition. You do things your way and let the chips fall where they may. You show the world everything about you. You have nothing to hide, and you just laugh off those who judge you. You wish everyone was more like you. There's a lot of joy in being a non-conformist. I quite like that ^

  • 1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? Black and white 2. Honestly, whats on your mind right now? How full i am atm 3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? This 4. Honestly, what did you do today? Quite a lot 5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive? Nope 6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? Nopee 7. Honestly, do you watch disney channel? Phaha no 8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? Yes 9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? Being with mates 10. …

  • Has anyone ever told anyone lies to get them to hate you? Uhhh probably Are you inside or outside right now? Inside. Do you think guys with just one ear pierced are cute? Yep Are you wearing socks right now? Nope unfortunately Do you look like your cousins? Yup Which mainstream artist pisses you off? Not sure Do you own harem pants? Nope i want some though! Would you rather be called pretty or hot? Hot Are there many gangsters or chavs at your school? Phaha none Describe the seat you're sitting …

  • Name a band with amazing lyrics. Loaaaads..slipknot, we are the ocean, shinedown, paramore, escape the fate etc Do you ever buy a magazine just to get the free item? Nah not normally Do you use Twitter? Nopeeee Do you have a sound system in your room? Nope :/ Have you ever been to the snow? Huh? When was the last time you got a new phone? 4 or 5 months ago Do you think popular kids online have no life? Phaha good question Are you on non-speaking terms with a relative? Nope Are your parents home …

  • Umm never mind.

  • Re: My Drawings :)

    UnluckyCharms - - Creative Writing


    Those are so good, I wish I could draw like that! :]

  • I just do it normally tbh, but it does come in handy sometimes when talking to people about something embarrassing or I'm nervous :p

  • Age: 14 Number of relationships: 3 Longest relationship: 7 months Shortest relationship: About 4 days (Lol he was a twat :P)

  • Nutella

  • The notebook, my favourite movie ever but it just makes me cry every time!

  • I'd say my formspring is about 90% haters n 10% people sticking up for me against the haters. I've grown to seriously dislike my formspring...I dont get why I havent deleted it really, I guess its a good way to find out what people truly think of you. Even if it isnt a good thing.