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  • The negative reactions are funny. Do what you want most but I would be interested to know if you are a boy or a girl from birth.

  • Re: All Hip Hop Fans

    batfeet - - Music


    Drake and Wayne are uninteresting I think

  • Re: All Hip Hop Fans

    batfeet - - Music


    adverse, q-tip, busdriver, aesop rock, immortal technique

  • Re: how do u find a bi or lesbian chik?

    batfeet - - LGBT


    I've faked my idea many times you just have to use it in a place that doesn't care so long as the picture is relatively similar to you. My girlfriend I met at a party and she is best friend's with this girl I was friend's with ex-girlfriend. She was straight but she liked me a lot so she came to the club one night when she knew I was going to be there and it went from there. You just have to put yourself out there!

  • Re: My Hair

    batfeet - - Fashion


    depends on the face

  • Re: Boys Fashion...

    batfeet - - Fashion


    Quote from Xtwigg19X: “What I am saying is that its a hard thing to avoid. And it really bugs me when people are all for buying products that don't affect others nagatively. And then you see them with a pair of Nike's or in Wal-Mart. I'm not saying you do this I am just saying it is everywhere and not only in the clothing industry. And I like that you do this its a positive thing. :)” I see what you are saying now. I try to live without hurting other people. And it is in every industry pretty mu…

  • Re: Kool-Aid

    batfeet - - Health and Fitness


    I don't want Popeye's or KFC. Yuck! I'd rather eat something tasty with delicious red kool-aid

  • Re: USA music VS Europe music.

    batfeet - - Music


    Quote from Sash: “Why bother? I can find all the good music I need in Europe, without having to dig the earth out for it. ” Why not bother if you could find some really solid music artists unlike anything you are familiar with? I would love to hear a European band that sounds like Animal Collective without having been influenced by Animal Collective. Those sounds! Beautiful and very obviously American harpists like Joanna Newsom. I am by no means saying that there are not great European artists …

  • Re: Boys Fashion...

    batfeet - - Fashion


    Quote from Xtwigg19X: “Well I hope you research where you buy most of your products because Walmart does a lot of exploitation to get there low low prices we are used to. Also, most clothing companies do as well I even heard about footballs and soccer balls as well. Exploitation is everywhere and we arn't the only ones to blame. Other countries governments could get involved and set regulations but they don't. China for example. However, 3rd world and developing countries are a much different st…

  • Come to Arizona and have a good taco and it will be different! But burritos do defeat them.

  • Re: summer time

    batfeet - - Health and Fitness


    go running! don't eat an excessive amount of fatty or sugary foods.

  • Re: The Hug Drug

    batfeet - - Health and Fitness


    I have done a fair bit of E. I think it has impacted my life in a positive as most of my other drug experience. You just have to know how to handle it and not allow yourself to grind your teeth and remember to drink plenty of water. This is no problem for me as I have the ability to control myself and my actions. I prefer pure MDMA though as I fear less that it was cut with something nasty. E on it's own is not bad for you in the long run if you give yourself a few breaks. The short term detrime…

  • Re: Removing body hair

    batfeet - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from rCours: “I'm pretty sure pubic hair is there to reduce friction during sex.” makes sense

  • Re: Miley Cyrus

    batfeet - - Music


    She's so boring I don't know why people care about her so much (goes to her fans and haters)

  • Re: Immigrants

    batfeet - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from xNerRadx: “Well now the lines are drawn. And the official government of the United States wants to put a halt on Mexican emigration to the US.” But what gives us the right to say it is ours just because we cut up the land with imaginary lines? They were doing the exact same thing in this land as we are now because we took it from them. They were living on it. I meant to say this in regards to the drug comment as well. If there were not a demand for the drugs Mexicans wouldn't be bring…

  • Re: Removing body hair

    batfeet - - Health and Fitness


    I think pubic hair was originally intended to protect your stuff but because people where clothes now it isn't really needed. This makes a lot more sense for females though so maybe what I heard was totally off. Shaving seems pointless.

  • Re: Immigrants

    batfeet - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from xNerRadx: “But dude, back during the Age of Exploration, North America had no actual nation. It was free land. Some of it belonged to Native Americans and I'm not condoning how Europeans dealt with the Native Americans. But anyway, Mexico has it's own nation. I understand they have problems, but deal with it like every other nation. We all have our problems. Why are you bringing your issues here? I just don't understand. Mexico has its nation, we have ours. Have ya'll heard about the …

  • Re: Anime?

    batfeet - - Films, TV and Books


    Quote from director91: “Oh god I wanna watch The place promised in our early days soo bad, ” it's one of the prettiest animes that i have ever seen.

  • Re: USA music VS Europe music.

    batfeet - - Music


    An American artist gaining more popularity in Europe as opposed to the United States doesn't discredit the fact that they are of the United States. Also, I don't know how much I agree with the validity of that statement. American hip hop extends past what your idea seems to be of it. And it is wonderful. The thing with American music is that for the most part you have to do a bit of digging to find anything worthwhile. That isn't a bad thing though.

  • Re: 'emo' music?

    batfeet - - Music


    Quote from pbfanatic321: “You can't say that. Yes a lot of rap and hip-hop does suck, but they have great beats. The lyrics are pretty bad though, but like I said, the beat is good.” This seems to be a pretty ill informed thing to say. I have a pretty expansive taste in music and I would that certain hip hop groups & artists are the most lyrically complex and skilled writers out there. Busdriver, Adverse, A Tribe Called Quest... you must be talking about some boring commercial top 40 hip hop whi…