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  • Wait I saw you mention before that she wants a condo in the philippines. Do you happen to be filo? I am as well, and one thing I have come to understand is why the filopinos (including my mum) push us so hard is because they want us to have a life that we are lucky enough to have. If your mum isn't filo please disregard what I have to say lol, maybe she just wants a condo in the philz cos its the best country evar! lol. Anyway, life was hard for most, and still is in the philippines, or at least…

  • Quote from Alex_Rosque: “I hope you understand NO GUYS LIKE GIRLS AS SKINNY AS YOU! It looks gross, we dont want to see skeleton or ribs or shoulder bones sticking out. You shouldn't be happy with it. I dont see why you would be confident being that thin. Guys like roundness and curves. It would be so easy for you to just eat more, do a little toning and you would look 100 times better.” Quoted for the truth. Guys do not love extremely chicks, roundness and curves are the best. Who cares if your…

  • Quote from Onyx: “If it is just a spelling mistake and they didn't mean it then no, I wont judge them but if they tlk lyk dis all da tym then yes I will tell them to stfu and learn some English. :allnight:” Quoted for the truth. I am pretty judgmental if they do type as Onyx pointed out, and I look down upon them very much so.

  • Re: Chicks before dicks?

    CrazyBoi - - Friends and Family


    Haha for a moment I thought this was the other way round, a guy supporting the fact to ditch their friends for chicks instead of catering for their dicks. Depends on the situation imo, think about it. Is she the kinda gal that can easily get a guy, or is she a girl that hardly ever goes out with any guys or none at all? Ie., are you greatful for your friend that she found a member of an opposite sex possibly not just wanting to be friends, maybe due to various reasons, she is not very attractive…

  • I am... or was in a similar situation. I just got over her, I think of annoyance of not having a chance to talk to her like you.. damn class rosters - and personally I think its a little weird to talk to someone online excessively while you any say hi or bye at school, thats just me. Hum.. yeah my first bit of advice is try and talk to her in person more, or start off gradually. Theres gotta be some extra-circular activity that shes involved that you could join. You may be able to talk to her on…

  • Quote from Thief of Always: “So if you have an advantage that makes the game easier, that makes you pro? haha weak” Pfft your interpretation skills are weak. I always talking about in context, and proportionally to respective CONSOLE and PC CoD4 Players. What I said was, If you plucked out a CoD4 PC Pro and a CoD4 360/PS3 pro, made them verse each other, already there's an advantage to the PC player. And its more of a factor of having a more enjoyable experience, not making it easier.

  • Re: Cod4

    CrazyBoi - - Video Games


    Quote from coolchrisVV2: “not a lot of sony lovers huh?” No its not that I don't like Sony, I got a PS3 like before it was released in my country haha. RPGS, fighting games, racing, whatever, I will play ANYTHING except RTS and FPS on a console with a console controller. If I could use keyboard and mouse, sure why not. but Seriously. If you have not tried cod4 on PC or at least keyboard/mouse.. damn you Don't know what your missing. People always say how advantageous it is over controller when t…

  • Re: orgasm from just making out?

    CrazyBoi - - Teen Sexuality


    ^to above poster, even when I ejaculate I still stay hard for quite a bit. I am 16 though, maybe these stamina dissapates in a few years..

  • Re: girls: circumsized or not??

    CrazyBoi - - Teen Sexuality


    *sigh* I know I know I'm a guy replying but I'd like to let you know but threads like this and your opinion really affects people like me deciding whether or not to get circumcised. I'm half filopino, half white, generally its customary for all filopinos to get circumcised when they're like 10.. I missed that boat but its not like I can't do it, although it severly pisses me off that I'm left to this decision, and I wish it may have been done when I was baby.. then again maybe I'm greatful. I'm …

  • Re: orgasm from just making out?

    CrazyBoi - - Teen Sexuality


    Dayem that musta been one hot ass make out session lol. I don't know anything about pre-mature ejaculation.. but it could be an issue, media makes it out to be. probably not, but still maybe look into it

  • I'm the youngest of four (I'm 16), and I will tell you it has been good. Very good. =] I'm the most succesful out of all of them thus far in education getting mostly A range, and yeah I got pretty spoiled, my brother still share a room and they are 29 and 30 while I have my own LOL (yes they still live at home). Tell ya, college drop outs will only get you some low paying government drop that has a static pay that never changes for the rest of your life, sigh for them. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear …

  • CoD4 on PC, psht I hope not everyone who plays console goes with the preconception that PC games are nerdy and shit. Just posted in the other thread, try out CoD4 or any other FPS with a mouse + keyboard, and you'll notice the difference. If you had a pro PC CoD4 player verse a pro Console CoD4 player, the PC player would win hands down, the advantage of smoother aiming alone in the mouse is just better for the PC player. Unless of course you use mouse and keyboard the the console version, then …

  • Re: Cod4

    CrazyBoi - - Video Games


    I dont get how you guys play with the friggin controller for FPS games, seriously I reckon its shit. The keyboard + mouse configuration is alot more advanced, I believe I could take on the top player of the damn Online boards for console COD4 and I'd rip them easy. -_- As any PC or Mouse/keyboard config would, less clunky and you can really adjust your shots as moving the mouse is much more accurate then a possibly over done push of the stick.

  • Re: Boyfriend masturbating

    CrazyBoi - - Teen Sexuality


    Cater for his needs? lol j/k. That is kinda weird... If your talking about that little girl, I think her character name is Lucy. Yes. Damn. That is farked, personally whenever I come across photos with sexual implications disgusts the hell out of me and I feel like I breached a tonne of morals. Damn, well maybe brining it up abruptly may not work out so well for you but... yeah crap maybe thats the early bird signs of pedo world. But yeah like the other guy said as long as it only stays a fantas…

  • Re: am i ugly?

    CrazyBoi - - General Advice


    I'm a guy, but dude you don't look ugly. I was half-expecting to see a really ugly dude, but the last pic confirms to me that you seem alright, after all it could be worse. I'm not gonna beat around the bush, but yeah your teeth suck, but duh get braces. How old are you now, 12, 13? Dude when your 16, 17 everything in your life seems to straighten out, your really are not ugly. Confidence, motivation is the key to get the things you want done in your life.

  • Quote from Ejayrazz: “:ninjaa: Phone/text/computer?” Nah neither of all 3, even if we do start talking on myspace and stuff, it just seems so weird you talk heaps to someone online but hardly at all in real life. Thats why I don't try to.

  • Its come to morning and afternoon busrides other than that I might run into her somewhere around school and talk for a bit. We've sort of distanced due to some circumstances, sucks not having her in any classes anymore.

  • Ah thanks Aaron, totally true though, although I already asked her out to my Year 10 prom as just friends :P. Still have my year 12 one though, more exclusive though (and I think expensive) called debutante.

  • Anyway there was this girl I really like, sort of a continuation of my other post I made. Anyway longstory short, I have known for her a long time, even since we were kids, didn't see her for like 5 years, she came back into my life and I think I've really fallen for her. Just the thing is I wanna tell her I like her, but atm I don't think it would work out (asking her out) because of school and everything.. like 1: We don't hang out together at school, completely different groups. 2: The next 1…

  • I see where your going with this, best friend may have asked his friend to talk to you, or he himself logged onto the msn account. Who knows. Kinda immature though.