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  • Well, she dated him. Didnt work out. they broke up. but i had already gotten back together with my ex... which i am kinda regretting now.

  • Re: 16+ part

    zmanb - - Teen Sexuality


    I have been curious too

  • Hmm... i guess what ever you like to do... but i would never do it O.o

  • shes not helping you at all. so just remind her that you would like to stop, and that wouldnt help you at all.

  • He really cares for you. He is trying to help you stop doing something that is dangerous to yourself. And maybe he is scarred to hurt you emotionally now, because he doesnt want to feel responsible for you cutting yourself anymore.

  • I am 16, almost 17. And live near Denver, CO. I want to make this summer the most amazing yet! the problem is, i can never think of things to do over summer. so i am making a list this year. my summer is 2 half days away, so i need ideas asap. but i want stuff i can do outside (OF COURSE! its summer, why be inside?), with friends! but don't say things like the beach and stuff please because i live in colorado! there arn't any. Plus, it reminds me of the summers i used to have when i lived on the…

  • So, I have this group of friends I do things with all the time. This girl, who is 17, broke up with her boyfriend like a week ago. I broke up with my girlfriend of 8 months, 2 weeks ago. We have both kind of helped each other out with support and advice. Well, our friend, who is 18, has liked this girl. And we have all known it. But today she decided if he a move she wouldnt object... as in she kinda wants to date him, ya know? Well, this is after her asking me for the past 2 days what to do abo…

  • hmm... What is this website? but really, Get a friend you REALLY trust, have them help you stop. you can check in with them and they will hopefully have advice on how to stop and go do other things with you when you want to do that.

  • Re: The 10 Things

    zmanb - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from MasterpieceMesias: “ 4. Don't reject us 4 sh*tty purposes, like "You're not my type" or "YOU'RE TOO MUSCLY" > i know i keep bringing up that but it really is fcking annoying to me. ” Is it just me or are you and your stupid bitching about "people saying you're too muscly" getting ridiculously annoying. You said something about it like 6 times in this thread alone and it wasnt till your last post you actually related to the thread. so please.... SHUT UP once in a while. (rant is over)

  • Quote from team jacob: “Let Me Introduce You to the Idea At least around my school these are the five biggest mistakes that guys make when trying to "get the girl." They may be different from other places, but this is just from my experiences and those of my friends. I guess this could also work as the five biggest mistakes girls make, i just find guys seem to do this more often. How do you Spell Trouble? A lot of movies show a person and their tutor ending up together. i find that this is a rea…

  • If You know its just as friends or what ever, then no. But think if you reversed places with your friend. If you were going out with her, and he got close. Would it bug you? would You want to know?

  • In your opinion If you date a friend will it work out. Or from experience? Answer poll, then give reasoning. Thanks. Just for fun.

  • Holy Novel. I read like the first 3 paragraphs then realized how long it was and just read the end to see what you were asking. So i hope this helps cause im kinda just guessing... but anyways I would say if he doesnt like her or he knows you like her he should tell her he doesnt feel the same way about her, that way she knows it wont happen. And she will realized you have been there the whole time... Hopefully. Well i hope that works.. not very good but i tried. Good Luck!

  • Depends. If you can see eachother like once every other week or so. It might work. If you were going out then one had to move and you still talk alot or see each other everyonce in a while it will work. but those are the only ways. i think they just dont work that often.

  • My youtube video, me singing Weightless by All Time Low, Please leave some feedback, either on there or on here. Thanks aton youtube .com/ watch?v=f9CUdwCDeRw (get rid of spaces, i dont officially have enough posts to put a link up)

  • Thanks everyone! so far, really good advice. except for one comment... anyways, She gets home like tommorow night i think, so if anyone has anything else to add, i am really gonna be thinking about this alot tommorow. Thanks!

  • First, In my opinion your too young to get married. Second, I think you should date her before you even consider the option of marriage. Make sure you feel the same about her. You havnt even experienced someone else. So that may be something you need to do. Even though you love her as a best friend, can you love her as a wife. I think you should have lots of time to decide this, try and finish highschool first. Then think about it. Good luck.

  • He said he CANT like her. Its not fair to her if he should like her but really cant. Maybe try and give it some more time of both of you being single? You have trust issues right now, but maybe after talking to her more and knowing that she wouldnt hurt you like that could help. Sorry its not a great answer, but hope i could help a little

  • You only want what you cant have. I think you will grow out of it. But untill then, its kinda hard on the guys if you know thats how you are, then you probably shouldnt go out with them. Its kinda mean, what if the guy is really into you?

  • So, me and this girl met at the beggining of this past school year, and we have been amazing friends since. We tell each other everything. Well, for the last 2(ish) months of school I started to like her. I ended up telling her like 2 weeks before school got out. Well, Its summer now, and we text aton. I volunteered at this big national thing we had at our school that she was helping out at too. She told me she wanted me to, so i was like all right, sure. Well i was there the first day, and it w…