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  • 1 Tip

    Duality - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    If you want to get girls or guys to like you, you have to like yourself first and have some self-confidence. No person will want to date you or get with you if you can't even love yourself. Instead of complaining about how bad you are, talk about some good things about yourself. Another thing you should do is face your fears. Everyone has fears of doing something. Trying to get rid of it or hiding from it won't help, so instead you have to face it. You'll end up happier if you do it.

  • Re: Smoking

    Duality - - Health and Fitness


    I can't tell anyone to stop smoking or anything like that because they won't listen. The only person that can keep them from stopping is you. I do agree with Seb though, don't smoke around me.

  • If they don't believe that you can choose your own college, then tell them straight to their face and stop complaining. Nothing will happen if you keep on talking about things you don't want.

  • Stop complaining. That's the first thing you should do. Are the teachers going to get any smarter if you complain? No! You got to straighten yourself up first.

  • Everyone feels depression at one time. It's called puberty. I can't tell you to stop feeling depressed but every time you do, just do something that will make you feel better.

  • Re: I Need Some Guidance

    Duality - - General Advice


    Here's a start. Stop saying such negative things about yourself. How is anyone going to love you if you can't love yourself? If that's the way your ex really feels than it wasn't meant to be. Try saying some good things about yourself no matter how bad it may seem.

  • I broke my arm in 5th grade once. I was running up a slide but it was in winter and when I was climbing, I slipped off to the side and land on my arm in an awkward way that broke it. I was suffering for 5 minutes before the ambulance came.

  • I would have to disagree with point 5. Internet dating is probbaly not that secure and it doesn't boost your self confidence. If you stay all your life as an internet dater, you would finally meet up with the person, talk to them in person and find out that it's either it's a different person or they act differently on the internet than in real life.