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Search results 1-20 of 23.

  • Yikes! What made you decide to take that course, I mean doesn't it contain a lot of math and other such abominable stuff? I was thankful when I got past high school since I can choose to take a course without a lot of math.

  • Re: Teenagers and drugs

    blued - - Health and Fitness


    Good for you. As long as you know what you're doing and knows the limit of your use, you'll be fine. However, MJ may not be addictive but it still got a high tar content so you still have to watch out for your lungs, especially with regular use. Peace bro...

  • Quote from heaven: “ Anyway, of course if you are a little bit plump you'd find lesser guys to like you but there are millions of guys out there, you can get a handful still.” Negats on that one. I've loved a plump girl, as you put it, but I definitely don't consider myself one of the lesser guys. In fact, I consider those guys who only have eyes for the superficial beauty of a slim girl as belonging to a lesser class. :p Chubbies can be sexy too, it's just a matter of carrying oneself with conf…

  • Re: Hurt

    blued - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from heavery: “Love hurts because you let a part of yourself be exposed to that person. Love does hurt even if everything goes smoothly between you two. I don't know about you guys but I love my boyfriend so much. So much that it does hurt... He loves me too and he gets hurt too. We just experience that kind of pain... That fear that someday, we might lose each other.” The good thing about pain is that it means you are alive. Same with love, makes the world go round and runs our lives so p…

  • Re: family

    blued - - Friends and Family


    We all feel sorry and confused when somebody dies, especially someone we love dearly. But people don't live forever and the least anybody's dead grandma would like to happen is for her family to blame each other for her death.

  • Re: Race

    blued - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from songbreeze: “I was just wondering what everyone thinks of this. People say that the world is getting better about accepting everyone as they are, but I don't. We teenagers have a more accepting veiw, for the most part. We are all part of the same world- we are all humans no matter race, gender, culture, ethnicity or any of that. So, I was just wondering why many people make such a fuss about it.” Hopefully, access to a global communication network and the blurring of national identiti…

  • Re: Teenagers and drugs

    blued - - Health and Fitness


    With drug use and peer pressure so prevalent this days, it's just a question of time when a teen faces THAT decision. Alcohol and drugs are used mainly as a crutch, so we have to ask ourselves if we do really need them to be happy and confident. For teens who decides that they are happy and confident enough without resorting to drugs, it's easier to resist the temptation by bonding with kindred spirits.

  • Quote from pcsofdpuzzle: “Why are you shy with talking to us girls? Girls don't bite and we don't laugh at boys who choose to talk to us. How would you feel if all girls wouldn't talk to you because they're all too shy to do so? It would suck, right? So do you want us to think that way too?” Nah, girls don't bite, they nip! The reason we don't talk a lot WITH you is because we don't like make-up, and we don't care who's dating who in showbiz, and we don't care who's that new cute boy in class, a…

  • No, even people as a whole are not given absolute freedom. We have laws and rules to follow, otherwise there would be chaos. Freedom is not a right and a privilege, it is a responsibility that must be taken seriously.

  • Humnnn, can we get technical? a blow job is a sexual act between two persons in which one takes the other's penis into his/her mouth for the purpose of inducing pleasure. While a low blow is any blow or punch given or received below the belt.

  • I did went out with a heavy girl a number of times. She was extremely confident and fun to be with. We were like very good friends but she has to move. I still miss her though...

  • They buy me lunch, lend me money, and help me with my tasks. Well, that sounded pretty selfish. I like them because I can be myself in their presence and they still want to be friends with me.

  • Re: Oily Food?

    blued - - Health and Fitness


    Nah, I stay away from oily food, especially fried ones, as much as I can. The heavy fat content is the least I need in my diet and I'm prone to acne too if take in too much oil and fat.

  • Anybody into alternative sports???

    blued - - Sports


    Do you need adrenaline fixes? Outdoor sports can often give you a rush. I like climbing, rappelling, spelunking, mountain biking, whitewater rafting, and canoing. When I can afford it, I'd like to go sky diving.

  • Heh, heh, easy buddy. I would like to hand you a pistol to help ease you anguish but that would be a such a waste of a young and promising life. It's just a girl dude, you'll get over it soon enough. In the meantime, get-up and go hang out with your friends. You might run into a new girl...

  • Quote from short&sweet: “Would you or do you date outside your race?I do and get a lot of problems.People look at you funny or act different.I thought that sort of thing was going out the door.We all bleed red, so what is the problem?My parents even disowned me at one time and would'nt have anything to do with me.Now my sister does it and they are o.k. with it now.Strange!” Didn't they hear that it's all fair in love and war? We are assuming of course that a person dates another because he/she h…

  • Re: Question for the guys?

    blued - - Teen Sexuality


    The girls at the local red light district are popular too and they would be happy to jump into bed with anyone, albeit for the right price. Teens using sex for popularity are pathetic. It shows they have nothing but space between their ears and underlines their lack of self-esteem.

  • There is always a first time for everyone and we understand how you feel about the girl. You might be nervous about it but nothing will happen if you don't make a move. For all we know, maybe she's just waiting for you. Although best way to ask any girl out is in person, why don't you try inviting her on the phone or via SMS or chat?

  • Re: Do you feel physics easy?

    blued - - Education & Jobs


    If only I could repel the law of gravity. Physics is so difficult for me but I understand that it is a very important subject. It helps that my teacher makes it fun. We often do projects like designing contraptions for dropping eggs from a height.

  • Re: Please Help Me!!!

    blued - - General Advice


    Go for it dude! The way she's acting says she likes you too. You have to make your move before things cool off or she loses interest. Be yourself, that's how she knows and likes you.