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  • Re: alcohol

    green - - General Advice


    Drinking's great fun, and a nice way to relax (but I have to say you have to be sensible about it). My friends are exactly the same as yours, and I don't really feel like getting pissed off my head every week. So just find some other friends to hang out with. You might ending going out for a drink one week, but it doesn't mean you have to drink a ton of alcohol. You can try some and if you don't like it no big deal. Get a soft drink instead or something. There are plenty of people of who don't l…

  • You can talk to me if you want. I've got myspace, facebook, so if you want to know them just pm me. Or if you think that's too public then we can stick to pm-ing on here. I don't have IM or anything (I kinda gave up on those kind of things since conversations never really went anywhere :rolleyes:) But if that's the only way you're willing to talk then I can always just make one. I'm not sure if you're a guy or girl, or what age, so I don't know of how much use I can be. And I'm not the *best* ad…