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  • Gun Control

    username #72 - - Debate and Discussions


    In your opinion, should guns be legal or illegal? What kind of guns should be allowed, and in what environment? I believe in a fully armed populace (minus people with certain mental deficiencies that may affect their judgement.) I think the current widely accepted gun laws (no full-autos stuff like that) are near perfect. I've been in gun-free places and places where you are surrounded by open and conceal gun carriers, and I've never felt safer being surrounded by people with legal guns. Cities …

  • I listen to a LOT of music, especially a lot of underground music that most people would not find on their own. In this thread, I will post everything that I think people should give a chance, and I encourage you to do the same. I will try to group links together by genre. Dubstep (I like old-school dubstep. Not a lot of people know that dubstep has been a thing since the very early 2000s.) UK Garage …