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  • Re: need help

    *zeni* - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I know how you feel. It sucks to be apart from someone you love so much...

  • Re: Need Advice!

    *zeni* - - General Advice


    I'm sorry at you are taking this so hard. Don't worry it's normal. It is gonna hurt, of course, you love her. I understand what you are going through, I broke up with my last boyfriend in June and forever later i;m not gonna lie it still hurts but send me a pm if you wanna talk in private.

  • Re: 15 and pregnant

    *zeni* - - General Advice


    Quote from deaditefuckgirl: “Abortions make the world a better place.” No they DO NOT!!! How does killing an innocent child make this already evil world "better"???

  • Re: To many choices

    *zeni* - - General Advice


    hi. I'm a senior too. Is there anyway that you can get a job? To help pay for it? And how about student loans. Did you apply for scholarships? Look into that stuff there are scholarships for everything these just really have to look.

  • Re: Regret

    *zeni* - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm sure that she is really okay with what happend between the two of you. It just shows that she is much more comfortable with you than here last boyfriend (obviously). But not only that she trust that you respect her.

  • Re: sex/mental issue

    *zeni* - - Teen Sexuality


    that was my point

  • Re: sex/mental issue

    *zeni* - - Teen Sexuality


    I know you like her but it seems to me even though she tells you she despises her ex that she still has feelngs for him. And since you remind her of him that is why she wants to do it with you. but as a girl i can tell you this, we (girls) don't know what we want and then get mad at you (guys). I know its complicated, and you'll never understand because even we don't understand oursleves. Also we tend to bring things up from forever ago we we get mad at you. So you never know maybe you looked at…

  • Quote from Pretti Bro: “i dont think i would ever!!! i love skinny girls they cant be like bones but i love skinny girls” That was a really shallow response. What about the important thngs like personality!

  • Ask her about the small her favorite color, or favorite place to eat, if she likes to sing in the shower type thing. It'll make her feel like you are really interested in her as a person.

  • Re: Gay teen chat...

    *zeni* - - LGBT


    I think that would only happen if a person was gay and didn't want others to know OR if the person is confused and is around people that do not like gay people so they might resent gay people therefore causing themselves to be or act homophobic. ...just my personal opinion

  • Re: i crunched my leg

    *zeni* - - Health and Fitness


    So that sounds very painful. How????:eek: Never mind...i get it

  • I'm the same. I know everything about them. My real friends that is, I only consider about 3 people my real friends...