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  • Embarrassed Moments

    Justin.Kaden.White - - Teen Sexuality


    doesn't sound like a good friend to me. It's not Oliver's fault the guy came so quick. But I am a virgin so who am i.

  • Unusual I Think

    Justin.Kaden.White - - Puberty


    Quote from Chris 16: “This is one grand statement to make as your intro to TH. Maybe a proper intro is the order of the day not too concerned about your size or length ” I am sorry I thought this was a forum where you post questions or ask advice from other teens.

  • Unusual I Think

    Justin.Kaden.White - - Puberty


    I am asking something that's probably unusual and less common, but guys has someone ever made fun of you because you have a long dick for your age. Not bragging but I was made fun of and called a long dick freak. These guys always pick on me in the locker and shower area.