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  • Most exciting.

    EastCoast2010 - - Puberty


    It started just a couple months after I turned 11. 3 Most exciting things, going from bald to a jungle full of pubes within a year or so. Going from tiny to big balls and seeing clear then white stuff come out of my penis.

  • 13 for first ejaculation, 14 now

  • 1. Age: 14 2. How old were you when you first hit puberty? 11 3. How old were you when you first got pubic hair? 11 3. How old were you when your boobs first started growing? N/A, I am a guy. 4. How old were you when you first started comparing with others? 11 5. Do you look or compare bodies or both? Both 6. Age(s) you compare with or look at? Close to my age 7. How developed are those your compare with or look at compared to you? usually more