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  • ooh good idea! thank you sm i'll defintley try lol

  • body image/ ED

    idklol - - Fashion


    thank you i've tried to talk to ppl abt but they all say i'm attention seeking cause i'm already "skinny" when i'm not but yea i'll defintley try eating food with more nutritional value i'll do some research thank you sm

  • Right so basically this is a lot so about 2 years ago there was this rumour where apparently me and this guy dated anyways it kinda blew off and people forgot abt it but i noticed that the guy stares at me a lot like in every class i would catch him staring at me. He's shy though so he wouldn't talk to me, although there were a couple times where he tried to start a conversation with me but because i was so clueless i just kinda answered and walked off. not in a rude way i just didn't see a reas…

  • body image/ ED

    idklol - - Fashion


    yea thanks

  • pierce the veil (ptv) mathc into water

    idklol - - Music


  • body image/ ED

    idklol - - Fashion


    thank you i'll try, i exersize a lot but barley eat so ill try eat a more balanced diet but honestly it's rly hard for me to eat food without hating myslef for it later but i'll defintley try

  • body image/ ED

    idklol - - Fashion


    i weigh myslef quite often and my weight sin't necesserally going up it either stays the same or goes down bit but i feel like i look fatter

  • omg i know exactly what you mean like it can be literally the tiniest thingf and all of a sudden you feel so much fatter. idk why this happens. i completly understand what you mean but i rly dont know how to help

  • body image/ ED

    idklol - - Fashion


    So a lot of like my family and friends have been telling me that i'm getting really skinny but honestly i feel like i've gained weight but they all seem genuinley worried, really don't know what to do because i feel like i keep gaining weight and definitley not skinnier. if there's anyone who is going through the same please lmk cause i'm in a rly awkward place rn and dont want to be alone. sorry if this is kinda alot

  • What colour bra are you wearing

    idklol - - Fashion

