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  • Are you religious?

    LittleBird5 - - Debate and Discussions


    I am a Christian, and I have had a hard time getting to where I am in my faith. One thing that has helped me find trust in God is looking at the beliefs of other religions. Most other religions get something out of it. The founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, was arrested for treasure hunting. Later, he finds the golden plates mysteriously buried in the ground and says he an angel gave them to him. These plates are what he wrote his scripture off of (the book of Mormon). Joseph Smith gained wives…

  • Does this offend you

    LittleBird5 - - LGBT


    I'm straight for reference. I don't understand why money is being given to them. Why does the LGBT community need money? I understand support, but aren't there people who need the money more? Just because of your sexual preference, you get money. That doesn't make sense to me. Raising money for a different reason would be better. Maybe one where the people actually need money, like disabled vets or the 783 million people who face chronic hunger. Maybe even the pet or homeless shelters. I am offe…