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  • Quote from once_in_a_lifetime_luv: “Since she says that ur her best friend, I doubt that she wants to date you.” yep and if you ask her out, 2 things could happen one, everything stays the same. two, she goes awkward and never talks to you again/ best friendship/friendship end. usually choice 1 happens, but i've seen some 2's take place. Long story short, There is no positive to asking a girl out who says your there best friend, or "like a brother to me", only a stale response or end of friendsh…

  • simple 1 day, hang with the bros another day, hang with A girl, or double date.

  • Well i guess ill tell my story. One day a random girl sent me a message on myspace. I was like "wtf" in my head, but messaged her back deciding to play along. One thing lead to another and i ask'd her out about 12 days later. sadly, it was a hrm, one night awesome i guess. The first night we hung out, was the baller awesome ness. Then every time we saw each other after that, it sucked. lasted 10 days. So i guess it could work out. Just wait more than 12 days to ask her out. lol

  • Quote from Giggity: “And never, evar, evar, say woot to her. Evar.” Woot! thats what i meant when i said expect with better english. lol

  • pull an excuse like i do. " ugh yah you got my class, but i kinda need the homework pages cus i forgot" then after she replys giveing you them you go " woot thanks, so how you like this class? then some other blah." Expect with better english, lol.

  • Quote from ACDCfanatic: “i wonder which internet picture that comes from, totally original...” ah i needa spend more time on the internet. This way i know when one of my friend's jokes aren't original.

  • Quote from sharkie13: “ Don't wait too long and make a move or she'll just prolly get bored of chasing you.” Yeah man, u needa get on that Hang out, Outside of school if possible If you guys have a good time, ask her out near the end.

  • Girls = Money X time Time = Money Girls = Money^2 Money = ( root of all) Evil Girls = (Root)Evil ^2 Girls = Evil

  • Hes Pulling what i read once, as the MAN SPIDER WEB Men are like, spiders when it comes to girls. They build a big web, and catch a bunch of girls on it. They will usually have one in the Center, aka their Girlfriend, and all the other girls on the outer edge. Now, if he doesn't speak to any of those girls for awhile, they will fall off the web. So in an attempt keep as meny girls available as possible, hes constantly working towards every girl he can, even if he already has one. hrm, something …

  • You made the right choice. You first then your boyfriend. And you'd also be surprised, at how many kids aren't haveing sex. You EX boyfriend clearly never saw into who you are, only the outside of your body.

  • Quote from Donuts: “Trust me when I say guys love it when a girl starts a conversation. Since a lot of nice guys are shy and more introverted girls sometimes have to give hints that they want to talk/be friends/ or pursue a relationship. Also a good way to get some more guy friends would be to join a club or co-ed sport like cross country(best sport ever)” yah donuts knows what hes talking about. 1st donuts are awesome. and 2nd Guys DO like it when girls start the conversation. Countless times i…

  • I would trust your boyfriend. what i mean is right now, hes saying This in his head. "wow so she doesn't show interest in my when i'm single, but now that i have a GF she likes me. I'm not an idiot i'm sure she will stop likeing me as soon as i dump my GF and try to get her, just like in the old days when i was single."

  • yah mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn gogogo for it, just siting around wait for something to happen, isnt good. gotta show u got um "balls" and ask her out, before the other dude. now, unless this dude is your best friend, or someone that hates you, all the other guy can do is just go, ow man, i was to slow but, if u sit back and wait your gonna be the one saying, oh man i was to slow. get her 1on1 sometime soon, and do it.

  • yeah, get him, outside of school I've notice, the friends i kinda, dont care about, i dont talk to outside of school. so in a sense the girls i dont care about, and would never go out with i dont tlak to, once i leave school so pretty much, if the guy is willing to hang out with you outside of school, it should point a nice bit in the direction of him liking you.

  • go for it bro! i use scissors, just like, can do it pretty quick, so yeah! time tables!

  • yeah i got a friend, been going out with a girl for close to a year, and there like, on super good terms, thing is, they go to DIFFERENT SCHOOLS! dun dun dun but they hang out everyday saturday. so yeah, just try to hang with home out side of school like once a week

  • well its clear you guys are friends so just ask her to hang out 1 on 1 then, making your move will be like, natural wont have to force it or anything. never get anything good, if you don't take chances.

  • honesty it wins everwhere just, gotta say it your cool girl, but i dont feel like BF/ GF, and i'm sorry, but i have to tell you this. and sooner rather than later.

  • its happened to me and i see this other guy its happening with so it could happen.

  • 1 month later of happy ness together " me no like u any more, lets breakup" one week later a another friend you have " omg your ex just said he like me, and not you" alright just had to throw that out there. i would do the chrismas thing if you 2 still like each other then and your friend is over it enough then go for it but dont forget my example