Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 156.

  • Obviously, I was trying to be insightful. Fail.

  • I watched one called The Boy In The Stripped Pajamas. It's tells a story about two young boys during WWII. By the end of the movie I was bawling, It hit me even harder than Schindler's List. Absolutely wonderful film.

  • I absolutely love the movie so the T.V. show will be iffy for me. Plus from the brief clip it looks overly beautified like everything is nowadays.

  • Re: Adam or Kris??

    Dreamer - - Films, TV and Books


    Adam ftw! Who can deny loving Glambert?

  • Family Guy all the way, I absolutely love Seth McFarlane.

  • This is going to sound uber cheesy, but we have a capacity to love while animals don't, atleast not to the extent that we do. So yes we are different, imo.

  • You Are in the Genital Stage of Development genital.png According to Dr. Freud, you've reached the genital stage of development. Whatever issues you may have had in your childhood have been resolved. You don't have any hang ups, and you are able to function as a stable adult. You are the model of being well-adjusted, and you are able to balance your life beautifully. What Freudian Stage Are You In?

  • You Are a Dreaming Soul dreaming-soul.jpg Your vivid imagination takes you away from this world So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time. You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all... But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult. You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you. Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses. Underneath it all, you are brimming with passion that you keep hidden. Al…

  • Re: Age of Consent.

    Dreamer - - Debate and Discussions


    IMHO, I think there's a difference between kids who have sex and they're both twelve, and a seventeen year old having sex with a twelve year old. The latter is disgusting to me.

  • Re: Confused/Curious/Help!!!

    Dreamer - - LGBT


    I would say keep your mind in your relationship(cheating is very tacky), but if you still have some curiosity when you're single then I'd say maybe explore a little bit. Then you can see if there's really something there or if it was just a fleeting idea.

  • I definately agree with Sias. In my experience high school wasn't any better. Except there are more kids so you may be able to find more who are generally more accepting. I plan on being more open in College, but I don't really intend of "coming out." If it's really important to you, then I would say tell your friends, you just have to be ready because not everyone will take it as good news. I wish it was different, we'll just have to wait for the day it is.

  • Re: do you like school?

    Dreamer - - Education & Jobs


    Yes. This may be uber geeky, but I really love Anatomy and Physiology and ASL.

  • Am I the only WoW supporter? That's kinda hard to believe.

  • Pro-Choice, but I don't like the idea of people using as an excuse not to be safe, etc. There are a few genetic diseases that I think abortion is actually a more humane path than forcing the child to live a short, painful life.

  • I wish this poll would reflect in the ballots across the U.S. Today my governor is signing the "everything but marriage bill" and soon conservative parties will begin collecting signatures to get the bill over-turned. Future voters ftw!!

  • Re: Age of Consent.

    Dreamer - - Debate and Discussions


    I think it's fine where it is. In Washington(state) the age of consent is 16. But we don't have full consent until 18. Basically at 16 you can be in a relationship with someone, up to the age of 21(I think). I would be very nervous if they brough it any lower.

  • Re: Are You A Homophobe?

    Dreamer - - Gay


    I'm a bit of a heterophobe, but I'm working on being more accepting. :wink:

  • Re: Sexuality Preference

    Dreamer - - LGBT


    I would rather date a gay guy, but it would definately depend on the guy. Is that horribly small-minded?

  • I was a freshman, we hung out a lot, he tried to get me to join drama. At the end of sophmore year he started to pull away, not wanting to talk as much anymore. I decided to come out to him. I saw it like this: either he would be alright with it and our friendship would get better, or he would hate me and it would be better that I move on. Turns out a week after I came out to him, he came out to me. He already had a boyfriend, and shortly after our friendship disintigrated. Since then I've moved…

  • Re: I want a boyfriend? Help!

    Dreamer - - LGBT


    The best advice I've heard is to immerse yourself in the gay community. Typically you won't be able to find gay guys in straight crowds. Expand your horizons and see who's out there!