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  • my best friend has depression. it usually gets sparked by upsetting events that happens to him. you are lucky that your depression only lasts a day or so. my friend's can last for months and months. the last time he was hospitalized because of his depression. you dont want your depression to get worse so you might want to go see a doctor. and it also helps that whenever you start to feel upset or feel an episode coming on, you should start talking to someone that way you have a way of getting ou…

  • Re: Girls?

    ambs823 - - Teen Sexuality


    you are a gorgeous boy

  • (Okay so this is fairly long and i appolzise but i really need your help) My best friend has been having a really hard time lately. He used to have depression and it comes and goes a lot. But this week it has been really bad. My best friend (were going to use A cause the whole best friend thing is annoying me) and my other friend (K, see above for my reasoning) have been friends for a long time. both of their moms are close and talk alot. well A's mom told K's mom that A was ruining her relation…

  • Re: Questioning your sexuality?

    ambs823 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from knlruns08: “it seems more and more lately i have been feeling lesbian and not bi it feels as though i am becoming less and less attracted to men and more and more attracted to women i feel weird only because i feel like at this point in my life i should know” its alright not to know. most people dont know even if they are in their thirtys. and you have a lot of time to figure it out.

  • she flirts with girls a lot. i mean a lot and she even says she knows she does it. and she loves people who are gay. she thinks they are way cooler than straight people because i donno thats just how she is. ive talked to her before about liking girls and she was like whoever youlike is fine with me babydoll. so she probably doesnt like girls but i know she doesnt not like me as a friend because i like them. but i dont know if she actually thinks i only like girls, if that makes sense. but im to…

  • what do you do when your attracted to one of your friends, and you really like this person but you know they dont like you back because mainly they dont like girls? so first off, im confused about who i like. i havent liked a guy since the 5th grade... so yes the friend i like is a girl....i know she doesnt like me that way, but ive felt this way about her for over a year and a half now...what do i do? no one except a few of my friends know that i like girls, no one in my family does. but i dont…