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  • I agree, but this topic went all over the place. I was just saying it to see if anyone felt the same on here. I know a lot of people in my life who feel the same.

  • Quote from kad123: “wowwwww u are ignorant” Ok, explain how I am ignorant please.

  • Quote from woodz: “where tha hell are you pullin jesse jackson an al sharpton from? that was just ignorant. and why would a guy be ranting about being mad that white girls are pickin the blacks guys, then sayin that he is a nice guy but they never go for him. their is jealousy in that statement right their. whenever a guy says how come they always go for the ones that treat them bad... im a nice guy, that means they are jealous. not just black guys but latinos to. they just like guys to be darke…

  • This is a public forum. You don't ask anyone to reply to what you say. But since you are posting on a public forum, they have the option to. Is this surprising to you? If you didn't care you wouldn't come back and take time to post.

  • I think this is a fake thread. I saw another one exactly like this, same story and everything.

  • You posted these 2 things: "black guys are more attractive to girls, the darker the hotter." "all white girls think that, because they don't got too many tough men in their race, so they hit on other races." Those two things are not true. You are not a white girl. You are speaking of one or two girls you may know. Either way, it isn't as the second thing you posted. All white girls? Come you really know and can speak for all white girls. Get the fuck out. Yeah, white girls like black …

  • My point is all that you said before is shit. It is false and means nothing.

  • Quote from Anonymous.: “yeh but at my school, most are not white” Exactly. So the few white girls have limited choice in guys their own race, so a few go for black guys. Big deal. You make it sound like all the white girls at your school ignore white guys, and just go for the black guys.

  • Quote from Anonymous.: “i would say, about 30% of all the girls at my school” I find it really hard that all of these white girls all like black guys the best, and the darker the better. Maybe a few you know, but not all of them.

  • Quote from Anonymous.: “the white girls at my school think that....” How many white girls are at your school?

  • Quote from Anonymous.: “im arabic and I like black/latin/arabic girls, especially the ones with the brown skin. And I have 0 attraction for white girls with blonde hair and blue eyes, that's just me though” I truly don't care who or what you like. You said girls think the darker or blacker the better. I said go and find some girls to tell me that this is true. I didn't ask for what you like.

  • Quote from Anonymous.: “black guys are more attractive to girls, the darker the hotter” Ok, well that is you claiming this. Go find some girls to come tell me that, you must know some who feel this way. I don't know why else you would be saying this.

  • Quote from woodz: “wow man i cant believe you are really asking this question. this actually makes me reeeeaaaaallllllll mad because u saying that only white people have only done it mauybe twice, while all black guys do it 24/7... thats bullshit and you know it. your ignorance amazes me. one of those "black" men must be dating a white girl that you like, and you are just mad that you dont have her. this is completely racist and we both know it. all races have issues with relationships, and it i…

  • I truly don't care when it is, if at all. I only want it to be with the right person of course, but who knows if I will even find her. I am only 18, I have plenty of time. If it happens, it happens. Ideal age would be around 30.

  • Well I am going to tell you what I think on this, although it is kind of harsh. I think that this girl just saw you as a guy to mess around with. You guys had fun in the movie theater, then you didn't see each other for awhile. I think she took this as you were done with each other. She moved on from messing around with you. The best thing I can suggest is to just move on. You don't want to start shit between her and her current boyfriend, that would only make things worse. Good luck with it.

  • I like to blaze blunts, joints, pipes, bowls, bongs, etc. Smoke on man.

  • Yes, I agree with you. I truly do value our friendship, and I will stay her friend....and I am honestly in pain everyday, every hour....pretty much every minute, and I have been for the last 4 months or so. I'm not one to normally complain, but I mean everything I say.

  • Hey, well if I were you I would keep trying to hint you like her...but not to extreme. If there is still no response what so ever, then I would just politely ask her. What can it hurt? The truth may hurt if she says no, but it's better in then long run then never knowing. Well good luck with whatever you choose and whatever happens, I hope for the best. Hope this helped.

  • Hey, thanks once again to all took time to read all of this, and to the people who replied back. EDGE: Your advice is amazing. I thank you, it means so much to me. You really hit the nail on the head. You seem to see things like I do, and you added your own touch to it that I couldn't see on my own, things could be worse, she could be with someone else. Your advice really made me look on more of a positive side. I will keep things updated. It's times like these when people I do not know, show th…

  • Quote from Cazzy Tee: “yeah the friendss tld me she wantss to be with me and plus my gf atm doesnt really do anyhin anymoree the friendd told me that we would do heaps of stuff” What do you mean by "gf atm doesnt really do anyhin anymoree?" And "the friendd told me that we would do heaps of stuff?" If you mean this in a sexual manor, then you are a prime example of why guys are often seen as sex hungry monsters, that only care about sex in relationships. If you meant somthing else, I appologize.…