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  • Yeah that doesn't sound anything like Bipolar disorder. Bipolar: You suffer for your entire life with mood swings - most of the time you feel neutral, you sometimes feel mania (extreme happiness, you think you are on top of the world and nothing can get you down), then as quickly as you got high you go down and feel like nothing is going to work anymore. You never feel like getting out of bed because everything is worthless. The things that made you happiest and most excited in the past? Who car…

  • When people cut themselves it is 90% of the time because they have a mental disorder such as Borderline Personality Disorder. If that is the case then yelling at people for it is one of the sickest things 'I have ever had the displeasure of hearing'. The other 10% are generally just posers who want to seem like a real psychopath or borderline or masochist in order to look cool; and these people are probably suffering from either Histrionic Personality Disorder or were bullied in their childhood,…

  • I just wanna say that slitting your wrists is a bad thing to do. If you must cut yourself do it on the palm of the hand; if you go to deep in the wrist you can sever the tendon; lose muscle control. It is also a lot less dangerous, and almost all compulsive wrist slittings are regretted when at the pearly gate.