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  • Re: Most depressing song ever?

    DJCadburry - - Music


    Let me introduce you to the end - Sitting alone

  • Re: is it possible?

    DJCadburry - - Teen Sexuality


    we should have a sleep over XD lol j/k....I've had that same thing where my hands down my pants but I've never actually jacked off in my sleep.

  • Re: Run out of cum?

    DJCadburry - - Teen Sexuality


    Every second I think you produce like a couple billion sperm or something....yes you can but by the time you run out of cum it usually hurts like a BITCH if you have another orgasm.

  • 1. What's your name? Ian 2. Did you believe in the Tooth Fairy? Yah, free money for something natural lol...why not? 3. How did you react when you found out Santa Clause doesn't exist? "don't even say that he's real and we both know it" 4. What was your dream when you were a little kid? a lotta stuff? 5. What'S the cutest thing you ever told your parents? nothing, I don't do "cute" with my parents 6. Who was your favorite disney character? idk...they were all the same to me 7. Did you like Telet…

  • He could just think of you as a friend now but also just see how you are in general, meaning letting time pass and hang out, and soon it might be more and more frequently that you two hang out. He could have also been waiting for you to make a move but instead he felt that he was the one who had to do it a week later because there was no contact between you two. I'd say just talk with him more on the phone and in real life and just really get to know each other. Start to hang out more but don't …

  • Quote from doolie: “Girls go with the guys who are "dicks and shallow" because they are the guys who go for the girls, nice guys sit on the sidelines and put themselves in the "friend zone."” Not even.

  • It's the internet, don't take anything mean towards you seriously XD

  • One reason why us sweet guys(which are very few in the world) don't get girlfriends as easily, is because girls have this view that all guys are dicks and shallow. With this being said, think of this. We are nice, sweet, probably pretty charming guys who get put in the friend zone, because they don't want to loose us. Usually people who get in relationships break up after a certain amount of time and never speak to each other again, which girls don't want. Therefore putting us in the friend zone…

  • Don't kill yourself, that's the main point that we're all trying to get across here. Live is something that we should all cherish because we all live past our depression. I've cut, I've had strong thoughts and even almost drove myself to jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. I however kept myself living and I'm as happy as ever now. Since our mind is still developing and growing rapidly as teenagers, there can sometimes and most of the times be some sort of chemical imbalance that ultimately leads…