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  • Re: underaged sex

    Waitingrose - - Teen Sexuality


    Myeah .. 12/13 is kind of young I think. But it's a difference per person of course, maybe people are mature at that age but that doesn't mean they're ready. But I think that at an age of 15 you've got enough responsibility and stuff.

  • Re: is it worth...

    Waitingrose - - Teen Sexuality


    Hmh I don't think one should actually wait until you're married, but I think one should be in a relationship for a longer amount of time and really be able to trust each other. but that's just my opinion.

  • My dad, I just have this really weird relationship and I'd die for him if it was needed. My ex .. He's just been there forever and he means the world to me. My two best friends, because I trust them with all my heart and I'd do anything to help them .. they're always there for me, and I've known them for years

  • I actually think you should tell her, I mean that way she knows he isn't to be trusted and stuff right?

  • Not really, my mum still thinks I'm 5 years old and my dad thinks everything I do is just rebellion or something XD They just don't understand I didn't live in the 20's, and I do live in 2007. But whatever, I still love them and stuff Even though they're always mad at me and my sister's always bossing me around.